#Contribution Guide ## Getting Started Rocky SIG Database has open contribution opportunities at each level. Participaiton requires you to do the following things: - Create an account at [Rocky Linux Mattermost](https://chat.rockylinux.org){target=_blank}. - Create an account at [Rocky Linux Forums](https://forums.rockylinux.org/){target=_blank} - Find SIG/Database in channels list and introduce yourself. - Reach out to SIG/Database channel and post your findings, difficulties, help needed etc. - For any urgent or cold case requests ping channel admins. ## SIG/Database Resources * [git.resf.org/sig_database/wiki](https://git.resf.org/sig_database/wiki){target=_blank} contains the source file of very webpage that you are seeing. * [git.resf.org/sig_database/meta](https://git.resf.org/sig_database/meta){target=_blank} repo addresses/handles the issues related to SIG/Database access/administration/accounts.