[Package Request] libreoffice #3

opened 2024-03-20 01:43:15 +00:00 by label · 0 comments

Package Information

[X] This is brand new package
[ ] This is an updated or replacement for a base package

Package Details

This package may or may not be put into EPEL 10. This ticket is to track the potential for the package to either be here if it won't be in EPEL 10. Users may want libreoffice as a package rather than as a flatpak.

Does this already exist in another repository?

[ ] Yes (Base Repository)
[ ] Yes (Third Party Repository, such as EPEL)
[X] No
[X] Unsure

Repository: None


## Package Information <!-- Check the appropriate box for this package. Is it an override or a brand new package? --> [X] This is brand new package [ ] This is an updated or replacement for a base package ### Package Details <!-- Put details of your package here if applicable. --> <!-- If this is a new package, put details such as why this version and if it should maintained or upgraded according to its upstream, or if it could/should be a multi-version package (e.g. think of phpXY from remi) --> <!-- If this is a replacement for a base package, explain the reasoning and the changes to it, including version rebases, patches, etc. --> This package may or may not be put into EPEL 10. This ticket is to track the potential for the package to either be here if it won't be in EPEL 10. Users may want libreoffice as a package rather than as a flatpak. ### Does this already exist in another repository? <!-- Check the box that is applicable. If yes, please specify the repository it already exists in. Note that packages in EPEL are typically already satisfied there. --> [ ] Yes (Base Repository) [ ] Yes (Third Party Repository, such as EPEL) [X] No [X] Unsure Repository: None ## Checklist - [X] I have read the front page of [SIG/FastTrack Wiki](https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page/) - [X] I understand how the [repositories work](https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page/repositories/) for this SIG
label added the
OS/Rocky 10
labels 2024-03-20 01:43:15 +00:00
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1 participant
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No dependencies set.

Reference: sig_fasttrack/meta#3
No description provided.