--- # Project information site_name: SIG/FastTrack Wiki site_url: https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page site_description: >- FastTrack, as an ode to a past CentOS repository of a similar name, is a SIG to attempt to provide the following: * Fixes, customizations, improvements to packages that the community would like to see * This also includes doing backports of patches that may not be released by our upstreams to address any type of bugs * Potential packages that could potentially make it to CentOS Stream or EPEL * Newer versions of software that override the base repositories that would likely never land in RHEL, CentOS Stream, or EPEL # Repository repo_url: https://git.resf.org/sig_fasttrack/wiki repo_name: sig_fasttrack/wiki edit_uri: _edit/main/docs/ # Copyright copyright: Copyright © 2023 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation # Configuration theme: name: material logo: assets/icon-white.svg palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: teal accent: teal toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: teal accent: teal toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to light mode highlightjs: true hljs_languages: - bash - perl - python - yaml features: - navigation.expand - navigation.indexes - navigation.instant - navigation.sections - navigation.top - navigation.tracking - navigation.path - search.highlight - search.suggest - toc.integrate - content.action.edit # Plugins plugins: - autolinks - awesome-pages - git-revision-date-localized: type: date - search # Extensions markdown_extensions: - abbr - admonition - attr_list - def_list - footnotes - meta - pymdownx.details # this allows collapsible attributions - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - toc: permalink: true