# SIG/HPC Meeting 2024-01-25 ## Attendees * Sherif Nagy * Neil Hanlon * Forrest Burt * Chris Simmons ## Follow Ups * Packages * Slurm23.11 - In staging, needs testing * This gives us slurm22, slurm23 (with is 23.05), and slurm23.11 * Built with UCX on all except s390x (as UCX is not built for s390x) * Warewulf4 - published * Thank you Brian Phan for testing this! * Lustre - Sherif investigating * PMIX / slurm23 * Bug reported upstream a few months back, fix available, seems to be working in OpenHPC * [ ] Chris to track down slurm/pmix on Rocky 8 and see if it's working or not for next meeting * cNode Kernel * No updates yet * SecureBoot Certs - Requested * [ ] Notification for package updates upstream * Wiki Updates - Neil and Sherif will work on this at FOSDEM/CentOS Connect ## Discussions * Next meeting (8 Feb) * Neil and Sherif traveling back from conferences * FOSDEM and CentOS Connect * Forrest and Brian Phan giving presentations on Apptainer/Warewulf * adrianreber from OpenHPC team will be at FOSDEM * Neil wants to nag him about a Mirrormanager bug * Package list - Update * [ ] Neil to create tickets for documentation on packages we've added, update list of what is yet to come * Testing * Brainstorm test scenarios we want to create for slurm, warewulf * Stack is awol due to 👶, so we have some time to decide what we want to have a clear ask to Testing ### Open Floor * N/A ### Action Items * [ ] Chris to track down slurm/pmix on Rocky 8 and see if it's working or not for next meeting * [ ] Neil to create tickets for documentation on packages we've added, update list of what is yet to come * [ ] Notification for package updates upstream