# SIG/HPC Packages Those are some of the packages that we are thinking to maintain and support within this SIG * Lustre server and client * Slurm * Apptainer * Easybuild * Spack * opempi build slurm support * Lmod * conda * sstack * fail2ban - in EPEL not sure if it's fit in this SIG - * glusterfs-server - Better suited under SIG/Storage - * glusterfs-selinux - Better suited under SIG/Storage - * Cython * genders * pdsh * gcc (latest releases, parallel install) * autotools * cmake * hwloc (this really needs to support parallel versions) * libtool * valgrind (maybe) * charliecloud * Warewulf (if all config options are runtime instead of pre-compiled) * magpie * openpbs * pmix * NIS : ypserv, ypbind, yptools and a correspdonding nss_nis (took the source rpms from fedora and recompiled them for R9)