We can get a couple graphics cards, donated from ICHEC, needs to wait for decom
Neil will follow up and start creating a plan
Automation for slurm and other packages
Create a script to create a ticket when an update is available for a package
Query release-monitoring.org API for available updates
No updates on cnode kernel yet
Question on EoL/unsupported artifacts -- would we remove RPM/sources which we know have security vulnerabilities?
schedmd does pull the bad versions' source and rpms, e.g.
A: we don't have really any obligation to remove old artifacts which might have very vulnerable code, as we can't really control anything about the user's system aside from providing the latest, fixed artifacts
* Sherif to create kernel repo for kernel HPC, kernel-hpc-node, called now kernel-cnode - Done -
* Jeermy, to get the ball rolling with intel GPU driver
* Stack, Fix the slurm rest daemon and integrated it with openQA
* Sherif: Get the SIG for drivers
* Sherif: Check the names of nvidia drivers "open , dkms and closed source"
* Chris: Bench mark nvidia open vs closed source
* Sherif: Reach out to jose-d about pmix - Done, no feedback yet -
* Greg: to reach out to openPBS and cloud charly
* Sherif: To update slurm23 to latest - Done -
* Sherif to look int openHPC slurm spec file - Pending on Sherif
* We need to get lists of centres and HPC that are moving to Rocky to make a blog post and PR
* Get a list of packages from Jeremy to pick up from openHPC - Done
* Greg / Sherif talk in Rocky / RESF about generic SIG for common packages such as chaintools
* Plan the openHPC demo Chris / Sherif - Done
* Finlise the slurm package with naming / configuration - Done
* Get a demo / technical talk after 4 weeks "Sherif can arrange that with Chris" - Done
* Getting a list of packages that openHPC would like to move to distros "Jeremy will be point of contact if we need those in couple of weeks" - Done
* Start building slurm - On going, a bit slowing down with R9.2 and R8.8 releases, however packages are built, some minor configurations needs to be fixed -
* Start building apptainer - on hold -
* Start building singulartiry - on hold -
* Start building warewulf - on hold -
* Sherif: check about forums - done, we can have our own section if we want, can be discussed over the chat -
* Reach out to other communities “Greg” - on going -
* Reaching out for different sites that uses Rocky for HPC “Stack will ping few of them and others as well -Group effort-”
* Reaching out to hardware vendors - nothing done yet -
* Statistic / public registry for sites / HPC to add themselves if they want - nothing done yet -