#!/usr/bin/env bash VERSION="$1" EPOCH=0 RLVER=$VERSION # Source common variables # shellcheck disable=SC2046,1091,1090 source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/common" usage() { echo "usage: $0 VERSION ($0 8.7)" } aws() { command aws --region us-east-1 --profile resf-ami --output text $@ } DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then usage exit 1 fi download() { curl -o "$qcow" "https://dl.rockylinux.org/stg/rocky/$VERSION/images/$arch/$qcow" return $? } exists() { aws s3 ls $2/$1 &>/dev/null return $? } upload() { if exists $raw $BUCKET/$DATE; then echo "Found existing upload in $BUCKET" return 0 fi aws s3 cp $raw $BUCKET/$DATE/ } convert() { qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw "$qcow" $raw return $? } BUCKET="s3://resf-prod-import-use1" write-container-file() { printf '{"Description": "%s", "Format": "raw", "Url": "%s/%s"}\n' $name "$BUCKET/$DATE" $raw > $json } download-convert-upload() { if ! [[ -f $qcow ]]; then echo "Downloading $qcow from cdn" download || exit fi if ! [[ -f ${raw} ]]; then echo "Converting qcow2 $qcow to RAW $raw" convert || exit fi echo "Uploading raw image back to s3" if ! upload; then echo "Failed to upload" exit fi } begin-job() { import_task_id="$(aws ec2 import-snapshot --disk-container "file://$PWD/$json" --query 'ImportTaskId')" if [[ -z $import_task_id ]]; then echo "Failed to import $json" exit 5 fi echo $import_task_id return } is-snapshot-imported() { snapshot_id=$(aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --query 'ImportSnapshotTasks[].SnapshotTaskDetail.SnapshotId[]' --import-task-ids $1) if [[ -z "$snapshot_id" ]]; then return 0 fi } register-image() { # Given a snapshot id, register the image name=$1 snapshot_id=$2 case $(awk -F'.' '{print $NF}'<<<"$name") in x86_64) arch=x86_64;; aarch64) arch=arm64;; esac ami_id=$(aws --query "ImageId" ec2 register-image --name "$name" --description "$name" --block-device-mappings DeviceName="/dev/sda1",Ebs={SnapshotId="$snapshot_id"} --root-device-name "/dev/sda1" --virtualization-type hvm --architecture $arch --ena-support) if [[ -z "$ami_id" ]]; then return 1 fi } tag-resources() { local resources="$1" local tags="$2" if [[ -z $resources || -z $tags ]]; then echo "Need to provide tags and resources to tag" return 1 fi aws ec2 create-tags --resources $resources --tags $tags } image-exists() { local RESF_AMI_ACCOUNT_ID=792107900819 local query="$(printf 'Images[?Name==`%s`].[ImageId,Name][]' "${1}")" mapfile -t res < <(aws ec2 describe-images --owners $RESF_AMI_ACCOUNT_ID --query "${query}" 2>/dev/null) res=($res) if [[ ${#res[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # Skip empty results return 1 #not found fi id=${res[0]//\"} name=${res[@]/$id} found_image_id=$id return 0 # found } snapshot-exists() { local RESF_AMI_ACCOUNT_ID=792107900819 local filter="$(printf 'Name=tag:Name,Values=%s' "${1}")" local query='Snapshots[].[SnapshotId][]' mapfile -t res < <(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --owner-ids $RESF_AMI_ACCOUNT_ID --filter "${filter}" --query "${query}" 2>/dev/null) res=($res) if [[ ${#res[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # Skip empty results return 1 #not found fi id=${res[0]//\"} found_snapshot_id=$id return 0 # found } declare -A import_jobs declare -A snapshot_ids declare -A ami_ids ARCHES=(x86_64 aarch64) VARIANTS=(Base LVM) for variant in "${VARIANTS[@]}"; do for arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do latest=$(printf "Rocky-%s-EC2-%s.latest.%s" "$VERSION" $variant $arch) name=$(printf "Rocky-%s-EC2-%s-%s-%s.%s.%s" "$VERSION" $variant $REVISION $DATE $EPOCH $arch) qcow=${latest}.qcow2 raw=${name}.raw json=${name}.json if image-exists $name; then echo "Found existing AMI in us-east-1. Skipping. ($found_image_id,$name)" continue fi if snapshot-exists $name; then # If the snapshot exists, we can skip the import task and just do the image registration echo "Found existing snapshot: ($found_snapshot_id,$name)" snapshot_ids[$name]="${found_snapshot_id}" continue fi # Download latest artifacts from CDN, convert from qcow2 to raw, and upload to the proper bucket echo "Downloading/converting artifacts for $name" download-convert-upload echo "Writing disk container json file" write-container-file jobid=$(begin-job) echo "Beginning snapshot import task with id $jobid" import_jobs[$name]=$jobid done done # wait for all import jobs to complete, then tag the resultant images finished=false while ! $finished; do for name in "${!import_jobs[@]}"; do import_task_id="${import_jobs[${name}]}" if ! is-snapshot-imported $import_task_id; then continue fi if [[ -z $snapshot_id ]]; then echo "Snapshot ID is null.. continuing" continue fi echo "Tagging snapshot with name" tag-resources $snapshot_id "Key=Name,Value=$name" unset import_jobs[${name}] snapshot_ids[${name}]=$snapshot_id done # Check if we're done, if so, great! if [[ ${#import_jobs[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 1m continue else finished=true break fi done finished=false while ! $finished; do for name in "${!snapshot_ids[@]}"; do # If the snapshot is imported, turn it into an AMI snapshot_id="${snapshot_ids[${name}]}" echo "Creating AMI from snapshot." if ! register-image $name $snapshot_id; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create image for $name with snapshot id $snapshot_id" continue fi echo "Tagging AMI - Name=$name" tag-resources $ami_id "Key=Name,Value=$name" if [[ -z $ami_id ]]; then echo "AMI ID is null. continuing..."; continue fi unset snapshot_ids[${name}] ami_ids[$name]=$ami_id done if [[ ${#snapshot_ids[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 1m continue else finished=true break fi done res="" for name in "${!ami_ids[@]}"; do ami_id="${ami_ids[${name}]}" res="${res}\n$(printf '%s\t%s\n' $name $ami_id)" done printf "$res\n"