root 6b1db03296 Complete revamp from old repo
- Added 9 support
- Ported over all code from personal Gitlab
- html/ folder with files for easy content display
- Updated README (more readme updates and setup guide coming soon)

-Skip G.
2022-06-15 21:26:21 +00:00

130 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File

rm -rf /tmp/repocompare
mkdir -p /tmp/repocompare/{${REPO1},${REPO2}}
dnf repoquery --repo ${REPO1} --latest-limit 1 --queryformat '# %{name} %{version} %{release}\n%{requires}|' | grep -v " Subscription " > /tmp/repocompare/${REPO1}.txt
dnf repoquery --repo ${REPO2} --latest-limit 1 --queryformat '# %{name} %{version} %{release}\n%{requires}|' | grep -v " Subscription " > /tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}.txt
for i in $(echo "${REPO1}|${REPO2}"); do
for pkg in $(cat /tmp/repocompare/${i}.txt); do
# Trim the release tag and module info (.el8*, .module*) off the end of the release and requires info, they are likely never to match
pkg=$(echo "${pkg}" | sed -e 's/\.module.*$/\.module/g' | sed -e 's/\.el.*$//g')
# Get just the requires without the name+version+release line:
requires=$(echo "${pkg}" | grep -v '#' | sort)
# Isolate the line with the package name + version + releasetag on it (starts with a "#")
pkgline=$(echo "${pkg}" | grep '#')
# Get name (no version) of the package - we will make this the name of our file
pkgname=$(echo "${pkgline}" | awk '{print $2}')
# Write the requires + name/version/release combo to its own file:
echo "${pkgline}${requires}" > /tmp/repocompare/${i}/${pkgname}
# Hacky: RHEL has all its requires in the rpm-command style, which means lots of "(64bit)" lines that other el repos don't have
# This just removes them
sed -i 's/\(64bit\)//' /tmp/repocompare/${i}/*
# HTML Header:
echo "<html><h3>Repo Requires Differences for: ${REPO1} vs. ${REPO2}</h3>"
echo '
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 90%;
th, td {
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #d4d4d4;}
<div style="overflow-x:auto;">
echo "
<i>Generated by Repo Requires Compare Script at: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') </i>
<br />
<tr><th width="20%">${REPO1} Package</th> <th width="20%">${REPO2} Package</th> <th width="30%">Diff -${REPO1} </th> <th width="30%">Diff +${REPO2}) </th></tr>
# Now that we have our packages, their versions and requires info all in individual files, let's compare them!
# Simple use of git diff program to get "+" and "-" differences and spit them to an HTML table
for pkgfile in $(ls -1 /tmp/repocompare/${REPO1}/*); do
# Package name - should be same for both repos
pkg=$(basename ${pkgfile})
# Package version - source repo (3rd field in txt file)
version1=$(grep '#' ${pkgfile} | head -1 | awk '{print $3}')
# Package release - sourcerepo (4th / last field in first line of txt file)
release1=$(grep '#' ${pkgfile} | head -1 | awk '{print $4}')
# If package doesn't exist in target repo, we'll stop here: (we can't compare Requires: for a non-existent package!)
if [ ! -f "/tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}/${pkg}" ]; then
echo "<tr> <td>${pkg}-${version1}-${release1} </td> <td>(DOES NOT EXIST) </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> N/A </td> </tr>"
# We confirmed the other package exists, now get the version and release for the destination package/repo (REPO2):
version2=$(grep '#' /tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}/${pkg} | head -1 | awk '{print $3}')
release2=$(grep '#' /tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}/${pkg} | head -1 | awk '{print $4}')
# If a package has different versions, that is also a special case - we don't want to compare Requires:
if [[ "${version1}" != "${version2}" ]] || [[ "${release1}" != "${release2}" ]]; then
echo "<tr> <td>${pkg}-${version1}-${release1} </td> <td>${pkg}-${version2}-${release2} </td> <td>DIFFERENT VERSIONS - Comparison not valid </td> <td> N/A </td> </tr>"
# Do a diff of the requires files, find only the lines that show differences (lines that start with + or -):
pkgdiff1=$(git --no-pager diff /tmp/repocompare/${REPO1}/${pkg} /tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}/${pkg} | grep -A1000 '@@' | grep '^\-' | sort)
pkgdiff1=$(echo "${pkgdiff1}" | grep -v '\-libc\.so\.6(' | grep -v '^\-libc\.so\.6$' )
pkgdiff2=$(git --no-pager diff /tmp/repocompare/${REPO1}/${pkg} /tmp/repocompare/${REPO2}/${pkg} | grep -A1000 '@@' | grep '^+' | sort)
# If our git diff command returned something (is not empty), then we want to display that as a table row:
if [[ ! -z "${pkgdiff1}" ]] || [[ ! -z "${pkgdiff2}" ]]; then
# Swap "\n" for "<br />", to make friendly html output:
pkgdiff1=$(echo "${pkgdiff1}" | sed 's/$/<br \/>/')
pkgdiff2=$(echo "${pkgdiff2}" | sed 's/$/<br \/>/')
# Output table data with differences:
echo "<tr> <td>${pkg}-${version1}-${release1} </td> <td>${pkg}-${version2}-${release2} </td> <td>${pkgdiff1} </td> <td>${pkgdiff2} </tr>"
# No package diff detected == don't print anything, go to the next package
echo "</table></html>"