--- title: QA:Testcase Media Repo Compare author: Trevor Cooper revision_date: 2022-05-18 rc: prod: Rocky Linux ver: 8 level: Final --- !!! info "Associated release criterion" This test case is associated with the [Release_Criteria#repositories-must-match-upstream](9_release_criteria.md#repositories-must-match-upstream) release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion. ## Description This test case will verify that repositories and the packages within them match upstream as closely as possible. ## Setup 1. Verify access to the Rocky Linux repocompare tooling. ## How to test 1. Access [Rocky Linux repocompare website](https://repocompare.rockylinux.org/). 2. Verify similarity of Rocky Linux repositories with upstream content. ## Expected Results 1. Rocky Linux repositories should match, as closely as possible, upstream repositories. 2. The content of Rocky Linux packages should match, as closely as possible, upstream repositories. {% include 'testing/qa_testcase_bottom.md' %}