--- title: Signing Commits with GPG author: Al Bowles revision_date: 2022-06-13 rc: prod: Rocky Linux ver: 8 level: Final --- # Creating your primary keypair 1. Initiate the keypair generation wizard gpg --full-generate-key --expert 1. Select option `(9) ECC and ECC` for the key type 1. Select option `(1) Curve 25519` for the elliptic curve 1. Set a validity period of your choice, ideally less than 1 year 1. Specify real name and email address to associate with this keypair. The email address must match your verified Github email address or be set to `your-github-username@users.noreply.github.com`. 1. Type a passphrase (twice) # Create a signing keypair 1. Add a signing subkey gpg --expert --edit-key my@email.addr gpg> addkey 1. Select option `(10) ECC (sign only)` for the key type 1. Select option `(1) Curve 25519` for the elliptic curve 1. Set a validity period of your choice, ideally less than 1 year 1. Accept the prompts and type a passphrase (twice) 1. Save and exit gpg> save # Create revocation certificate gpg --output my_email_addr.gpg-revocation-certificate --gen-revoke my@email.addr # Back up your keypair Export the *primary keypair* (put these somewhere very safe along with revocation certificate) gpg --export-secret-keys --armor my@email.addr > my_email_addr.private.gpg-key gpg --export --armor my@email.addr > my_email_addr.public.gpg-key # Remove the *primary keypair* from your keyring Export all subkeys from the new keypair to a file - use ramfs instead of tmpfs/ or /dev/shm/ because ramfs doesn't write to swap mkdir /tmp/gpg sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=1M ramfs /tmp/gpg sudo chown $(logname):$(logname) /tmp/gpg gpg --export-secret-subkeys my@email.addr > /tmp/gpg/subkeys Delete original signing subkey from keypair in our keyring gpg --delete-secret-key my@email.addr Re-import the previously exported keys gpg --import /tmp/gpg/subkeys sudo umount /tmp/gpg rmdir /tmp/gpg Look for `sec#` instead of `sec` in the output - pound sign means signing subkey is *not* in the keypair located in the keyring gpg --list-secret-keys $HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg # Revoking a *signing keypair* Find the *primary keypair* and import it (preferably into an ephemeral system like a liveUSB) gpg --import /path/to/my_email_addr.public.gpg-key /path/to/my_email_addr.private.gpg-key gpg --edit-key my@email.addr gpg> revkey [ passphrase twice ] gpg> save # Renew an expired or expiring keypair gpg --edit-key my@email.addr [select a key] gpg> expire [specify an expiration] gpg> save # Create a single signed git commit git commit -S -m "my awesome signed commit" # Configure git to always sign commits with a specified key $ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long # grab the fingerprint from the 'sec' line git config [--global] commit.gpgsign true git config [--global] user.signingkey DEADB33FBAD1D3A # Configure VSCode to sign commits # User or workspace setting "git.enableCommitSigning": true # References [OpenPGP Best Practices](https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/best-practices#key-configuration)
[Github: Signing Commits](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.5/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/signing-commits)
[Braincoke's Log: Create a GPG Key](https://blog.braincoke.fr/security/create-a-gpg-key/)
[Creating the Perfect GPG Keypair](https://alexcabal.com/creating-the-perfect-gpg-keypair)
[Digital Neanderthal: Generate GPG Keys With Curve Ed25519](https://www.digitalneanderthal.com/post/gpg/)