--- title: Rocky Linux Release Criteria & Status author: Trevor Cooper revision_date: 2022-05-22 rc: prod: Rocky Linux --- # {{ rc.prod }} Release Status The QA and Testing efforts during releases are tracked in online shared documents. After release the status track and go/no-go documents are published here. | Rocky Linux Version | Release Criteria | QA and Testing Status | QA and Testing GO / NO-GO Summary | Official Release Date | | -------------------- | --------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | | {{ rc.prod }} 8.5 | not available | not available | not available | NOVEMBER 15, 2021 | | {{ rc.prod }} 8.6 | [AVAILABLE](8.6_qa_testing_summary.md) | [AVAILABLE](8.6_qa_testing_summary.md) | [AVAILABLE](8.6_qa_testing_go_no_go.md) | MAY 16, 2022 | | {{ rc.prod }} 9.0 | [AVAILABLE](9.0_qa_testing_summary.md) | [AVAILABLE](9.0_qa_testing_summary.md) | [AVAILABLE](9.0_qa_testing_go_no_go.md) | TBD | {% include 'content_bottom.md' %}