diff --git a/createhdds.sh b/createhdds.sh index 1b8b4ee..b19270a 100755 --- a/createhdds.sh +++ b/createhdds.sh @@ -44,6 +44,31 @@ send "poweroff\r" expect "reboot: Power down" _EOF_ +echo "Creating disk_f21_desktop.img..." +# these steps are required +# 1. remove firewalld - firewalld configuration in minimal and desktop are conflicting +# 2. update fedora +# 3. install @Fedora Workstation group +# 4. add new user on first boot +# 5. use expect to do selinux relabelling and to set password for user +virt-builder fedora-21 -o disk_f21_desktop.img --size 10G --run-command "yum -y remove firewalld*" --update --selinux-relabel --install "@^workstation-product-environment" --root-password password:weakpassword --firstboot-command 'useradd -m -p "" ejohn' > /dev/null +expect <<_EOF_ +log_user 0 +set timeout -1 + +spawn qemu-kvm -m 2G -nographic disk_f21_desktop.img + +expect "localhost login:" +send "root\r" +expect "Password:" +send "weakpassword\r" +expect "~]#" +send "systemctl set-default graphical.target\r" +send "echo 'ejohn:weakpassword' | chpasswd\r" +send "poweroff\r" +expect "reboot: Power down" +_EOF_ + echo "Creating disk_ks.img..." curl --silent -o "/tmp/root-user-crypted-net.ks" "https://jskladan.fedorapeople.org/kickstarts/root-user-crypted-net.ks" > /dev/null guestfish <<_EOF_