Adam Williamson 3672973b9d handle cockpit 'user name' field not pre-selected on Rawhide
cockpit 118 just landed in Rawhide, and it seems the username
field on the login screen is no longer selected by default,
you have to hit tab to navigate to it. We could get smart and
store the cockpit version in a variable or something, but it
doesn't seem worth it for now, let's just use a simple 'if
rawhide' conditional which can be adjusted as necessary as
things change.

2016-09-08 21:42:11 -07:00

112 lines
3.7 KiB

package installedtest;
use base 'fedorabase';
# base class for tests that run on installed system
# should be used when with tests, where system is already installed, e. g all parts
# of upgrade tests, postinstall phases...
use testapi;
sub root_console {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
tty => 1, # what TTY to login to
check => 1, # whether to fail when console wasn't reached
send_key "ctrl-alt-f$args{tty}";
sub post_fail_hook {
my $self = shift;
# If /var/tmp/abrt directory isn't empty (ls doesn't return empty string)
my $vartmp = script_output "ls /var/tmp/abrt";
if ($vartmp ne '') {
# Upload /var/tmp ABRT logs
script_run "cd /var/tmp/abrt && tar czvf tmpabrt.tar.gz *";
upload_logs "/var/tmp/abrt/tmpabrt.tar.gz";
my $varspool = script_output "ls /var/spool/abrt";
if ($varspool ne '') {
# Upload /var/spool ABRT logs
script_run "cd /var/spool/abrt && tar czvf spoolabrt.tar.gz *";
upload_logs "/var/spool/abrt/spoolabrt.tar.gz";
# Upload /var/log
# lastlog can mess up tar sometimes and it's not much use
script_run "tar czvf /tmp/var_log.tar.gz --exclude='lastlog' /var/log";
upload_logs "/tmp/var_log.tar.gz";
sub check_release {
my $self = shift;
my $release = shift;
my $check_command = "grep SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora";
validate_script_output $check_command, sub { $_ =~ m/REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=$release/ };
sub menu_launch_type {
my $self = shift;
my $app = shift;
# super does not work on KDE, because fml
send_key 'alt-f1';
# srsly KDE y u so slo
wait_still_screen 3;
type_string "$app";
wait_still_screen 3;
send_key 'ret';
sub start_cockpit {
my $self = shift;
my $login = shift || 0;
# run firefox directly in X as root. never do this, kids!
type_string "startx /usr/bin/firefox -width 1024 -height 768\n";
assert_screen "firefox";
# open a new tab so we don't race with the default page load
# (also focuses the location bar for us)
send_key "ctrl-t";
wait_still_screen 2;
type_string "http://localhost:9090";
# firefox's stupid 'smart' url bar is a pain. wait for things to settle.
wait_still_screen 3;
send_key "ret";
assert_screen "cockpit_login";
if ($login) {
# with cockpit 118, user name field is not highlighted by
# default. for right now 118 is only in Rawhide, we'll have
# to adjust this conditional as necessary.
if (lc(get_var('VERSION')) eq "rawhide") {
wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; };
type_string "root";
send_key "tab";
type_string get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD", "weakpassword");
send_key "ret";
assert_screen "cockpit_main";
sub repo_setup {
# disable updates-testing and use the compose location rather than
# mirrorlist, so we're testing the right packages
my $location = get_var("LOCATION");
assert_script_run 'dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing';
# we use script_run here as the rawhide repo file won't always exist
# and we don't want to bother testing or predicting its existence;
# assert_script_run doesn't buy you much with sed anyway as it'll
# return 0 even if it replaced nothing
script_run "sed -i -e 's,^metalink,#metalink,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*basearch,baseurl=${location}/Everything/\$basearch,g' /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora,fedora-rawhide}.repo";
script_run "cat /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora,fedora-rawhide}.repo";
# vim: set sw=4 et: