Trevor Cooper 152b347f75
replace fedoraproject.org with rockylinux.org
- refs in templates.fif.json and code changed (typically hostnames in multi-worker tests)
- refs in documentation left for historical / context purposes
2023-03-17 10:04:54 -07:00

47 lines
1.9 KiB

use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
# deploy a zezere (Fedora IoT provisioning server) instance
assert_script_run "dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing -y install zezere", 180;
# write config file
assert_script_run "printf '[global]\nsecret_key = SECRET_KEY\ndebug = yes\nallowed_hosts = localhost, localhost.localdomain,\nauth_method = local\n\n[oidc.rp]\nsign_algo = RS256\n\n[database]\nengine = django.db.backends.sqlite3\nname = /var/local/zezere.sqlite3' > /etc/zezere.conf";
# write systemd unit file
assert_script_run "printf '[Unit]\nDescription=Zezere provisioning server\n\n[Service]\nExecStart=/usr/bin/zezere-manage runserver\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target' > /etc/systemd/system/zezere.service";
assert_script_run "systemctl daemon-reload";
# open firewall port
assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=http";
# update DB schema
assert_script_run "zezere-manage makemigrations";
assert_script_run "zezere-manage migrate";
# load DB fixtures
assert_script_run "zezere-manage loaddata fedora_iot_runreqs";
assert_script_run "zezere-manage loaddata fedora_installed";
# create admin user
assert_script_run 'zezere-manage createsuperuser --username admin --email zezere@test.openqa.rockylinux.org --no-input';
# set admin password (can't find a non-interactive way sadly)
type_string "zezere-manage changepassword admin\n";
sleep 2;
type_string "weakpassword\n";
sleep 2;
type_string "weakpassword\n";
sleep 2;
# check DB exists
assert_script_run "ls -l /var/local/zezere.sqlite3";
# start server
assert_script_run "systemctl start zezere.service";
# check it seems to be running
assert_script_run "curl";
sub test_flags {
return {fatal => 1};
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