110 lines
5.1 KiB
110 lines
5.1 KiB
use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use lockapi;
use mmapi;
use tapnet;
use utils;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
# login
# use compose repo, disable u-t, etc. unless this is an upgrade
# test (in which case we're on the 'old' release at this point;
# one of the upgrade test modules does repo_setup later)
repo_setup() unless get_var("UPGRADE");
# use --enablerepo=fedora for Modular compose testing (we need to
# create and use a non-Modular repo to get some packages which
# aren't in Modular Server composes)
my $extraparams = '';
$extraparams = '--enablerepo=fedora' if (get_var("MODULAR"));
# we need a lot of entropy for this, and we don't care how good
# it is, so let's use haveged
assert_script_run "dnf ${extraparams} -y install haveged", 300;
assert_script_run 'systemctl start haveged.service';
# per ab, this should get us extra debug logging from the web UI
# in error_log
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p /etc/ipa';
assert_script_run 'printf "[global]\ndebug = True\n" > /etc/ipa/server.conf';
# read DNS server IPs from host's /etc/resolv.conf for passing to
# rolectl
my @forwards = get_host_dns();
# we are now gonna work around a stupid bug in rolekit. we want to
# pass it a list of ipv4 DNS forwarders and have no ipv6 DNS
# forwarders. but it won't allow you to have a dns_forwarders array
# with a "ipv4" list but no "ipv6" list, any values in the "ipv6"
# list must be contactable (so we can't use real IPv6 DNS servers
# as we have no IPv6 connectivity), and if you use an empty list
# as the "ipv6" value you often hit a weird DBus error "unable to
# guess signature from an empty list". Fortunately, rolekit doesn't
# actually check that the values in the lists are really IPv6 /
# IPv4, it just turns all the values in each list into --forwarder
# args for ipa-server-install. So we can just stuff IPv4 values
# into both lists. rolekit bug:
# https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/64
# it should be fixed relatively soon.
my $fourlist;
my $sixlist;
if (scalar @forwards == 1) {
# we've only got one server, so dupe it, best we can do
$fourlist = '["' . $forwards[0] . '"]';
$sixlist = $fourlist;
else {
# put the first value in the 'IPv4' list and all the others in
# the 'IPv6' list
$fourlist = '["' . shift(@forwards) . '"]';
$sixlist = '["' . join('","', @forwards) . '"]';
# deploy the domain controller role, specifying an admin password
# and the list of DNS server IPs as JSON via stdin. If we don't do
# this, rolectl defaults to using the root servers as forwarders
# (it does not copy the settings from resolv.conf), which give the
# public results for mirrors.fedoraproject.org, some of which
# things running in phx2 cannot reach; we must make sure the phx2
# deployments use the phx2 nameservers.
assert_script_run 'echo \'{"admin_password":"monkeys123","dns_forwarders":{"ipv4":' . $fourlist . ',"ipv6":' . $sixlist .'}}\' | rolectl deploy domaincontroller --name=domain.local --settings-stdin', 1200;
# FIXME: workaround for RHBZ #1400293 on Fedora 24. Can be removed
# when Firefox is fixed.
my $release = lc(get_var('VERSION'));
if ($release ne "rawhide" && $release < 25) {
assert_script_run 'ipa-getcert resubmit -d /etc/httpd/alias -n Server-Cert -D $( uname -n )';
# kinit as admin
assert_script_run 'echo "monkeys123" | kinit admin';
# set up an OTP for client001 enrolment (it will enrol with a kickstart)
assert_script_run 'ipa host-add client001.domain.local --password=monkeys --force';
# create two user accounts, test1 and test2
assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test1 --first test --last one --password';
assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test2 --first test --last two --password';
# add a rule allowing access to all hosts and services
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add testrule --servicecat=all --hostcat=all';
# add test1 (but not test2) to the rule
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add-user testrule --users=test1';
# disable the default 'everyone everywhere' rule
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-disable allow_all';
# allow immediate password changes (as we need to test this)
assert_script_run 'ipa pwpolicy-mod --minlife=0';
# kinit as each user and set a new password
assert_script_run 'printf "correcthorse\nbatterystaple\nbatterystaple" | kinit test1@DOMAIN.LOCAL';
assert_script_run 'printf "correcthorse\nbatterystaple\nbatterystaple" | kinit test2@DOMAIN.LOCAL';
# we're ready for children to enrol, now
# if upgrade test, wait for children to enrol before upgrade
if (get_var("UPGRADE")) {
my $children = get_children();
my $child_id = (keys %$children)[0];
mutex_lock('client_enrolled', $child_id);
sub test_flags {
return { fatal => 1 };
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