Lukas Magauer 44e8a76c56
Fixes multiple tests in regard of the PACKAGE_SETs graphical-server and workstation (#61)
tcooper confirmed on the call. Merging it.

* Extend product test commands

* Increase disk size for `install_standard_partition_ext4` because some PACKAGE_SETs are too big

* Limit the license acceptance to only run on tests which run for ISO installations
It is unfortunately not that easy to limit this to ISOs due to that the misterous
limit to HDD_1 and not `custom_resize_lvm`

* Make sure that the disk post installs run in a shell
it happens that the previous test ends in the GUI

Co-authored-by: lumarel <lumarel@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-11-11 19:39:34 -06:00

137 lines
5.4 KiB

use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $password = get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword");
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
# If KICKSTART is set, then the wait_time needs to consider the
# install time. if UPGRADE, we have to wait for the entire upgrade
# unless ENCRYPT_PASSWORD is set (in which case the postinstall
# test does the waiting)
my $wait_time = 300;
$wait_time = 1800 if (get_var("KICKSTART"));
$wait_time = 6000 if (get_var("UPGRADE") && !get_var("ENCRYPT_PASSWORD"));
# handle bootloader, if requested
if (get_var("GRUB_POSTINSTALL")) {
do_bootloader(postinstall=>1, params=>get_var("GRUB_POSTINSTALL"), timeout=>$wait_time);
$wait_time = 300;
# Handle pre-login initial setup if we're doing INSTALL_NO_USER
if (get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER") && !get_var("_setup_done")) {
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome') {
gnome_initial_setup(prelogin=>1, timeout=>$wait_time);
else {
# wait out animation
wait_still_screen 3;
assert_and_click "initialsetup_finish_configuration";
set_var("_setup_done", 1);
$wait_time = 300;
# Wait for the login screen, unless we're doing a GNOME no user
# install, which transitions straight from g-i-s to logged-in
# desktop
unless (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) {
unless (get_var("HDD_1") && !(get_var("PARTITIONING") eq "custom_resize_lvm")) {
# for Rocky Linux here happens to be a license acceptance screen
# the initial appearance can sometimes take really long
assert_screen "gdm_initial_setup_license", 120;
assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_license";
# Make sure the card has fully lifted until clicking on the buttons
wait_still_screen 5, 30;
assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_licence_accept";
assert_and_click "gdm_spoke_done";
# As well as coming back
wait_still_screen 5, 30;
assert_screen "gdm_initial_setup_license_accepted";
assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_spoke_forward";
boot_to_login_screen(timeout => $wait_time);
# if USER_LOGIN is set to string 'false', we're done here
return if (get_var("USER_LOGIN") eq "false");
# GDM 3.24.1 dumps a cursor in the middle of the screen here...
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome') {
# we have to hit enter to get the password dialog, and it
# doesn't always work for some reason so just try it three
# times
send_key_until_needlematch("graphical_login_input", "ret", 3, 5);
assert_screen "graphical_login_input";
# seems like we often double-type on aarch64 if we start right
# away
wait_still_screen 5;
if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT")) {
# see _do_install_and_reboot; when layout is switched
# user password is doubled to contain both US and native
# chars
desktop_switch_layout 'ascii';
type_very_safely $password;
desktop_switch_layout 'native';
type_very_safely $password;
else {
type_very_safely $password;
send_key "ret";
# For GNOME, handle initial-setup or welcome tour, unless START_AFTER_TEST
# is set in which case it will have been done already. Always
# do it if ADVISORY_OR_TASK is set, as for the update testing flow,
# START_AFTER_TEST is set but a no-op and this hasn't happened
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && (get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK") || !get_var("START_AFTER_TEST"))) {
# as this test gets loaded twice on the ADVISORY_OR_TASK flow, and
# we might be on the INSTALL_NO_USER flow, check whether
# this happened already
my $relnum = get_release_number;
if ($relnum < 34) {
# before GNOME 40 (F34), we get a per-user version of
# gnome-initial-setup here...
gnome_initial_setup() unless (get_var("_setup_done"));
else {
# ...from GNOME 40 on, we just get a "Welcome" tour
handle_welcome_screen unless (get_var("_welcome_done"));
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) {
# handle welcome screen if we didn't do it above (holy flow
# control, Batman!)
handle_welcome_screen unless (get_var("_welcome_done"));
# if this was an image deployment, we also need to create
# root user now, for subsequent tests to work
if (get_var("IMAGE_DEPLOY")) {
send_key "ctrl-alt-f3";
console_login(user=>get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test"), password=>get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"));
type_string "sudo su\n";
type_string "$password\n";
my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
assert_script_run "echo 'root:$root_password' | chpasswd";
# Move the mouse somewhere it won't highlight the match areas
mouse_set(300, 800);
# KDE can take ages to start up
sub test_flags {
return { fatal => 1, milestone => 1 };
# vim: set sw=4 et: