package fedoradistribution; use base 'distribution'; use Cwd; # Fedora distribution class # Distro-specific functions, that are actually part of the API # (and it's completely up to us to implement them) should be here # functions that can be reimplemented: # ensure_installed # x11_start_program # become_root # script_sudo # type_password # importing whole testapi creates circular dependency, so import only # necessary functions from testapi use testapi qw(check_var get_var send_key type_string wait_idle assert_screen); sub init() { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::init(); # Initialize the first virtio serial console as "virtio-console" if (check_var('BACKEND', 'qemu')) { $self->add_console('virtio-console', 'virtio_terminal', {}); for (my $num = 1; $num < get_var('VIRTIO_CONSOLE_NUM', 1); $num++) { # initialize second virtio serial console as # "virtio-console1", third as "virtio-console2" etc. $self->add_console('virtio-console' . $num, 'virtio_terminal', {socked_path => cwd() . '/virtio_console' . $num}); } } } sub x11_start_program { my ($self, $program, $timeout, $options) = @_; send_key "alt-f2"; assert_screen "desktop_runner"; type_string $program, 20; sleep 5; # because of KDE dialog - SUSE guys are doing the same! send_key "ret", 1; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: