use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use anaconda;
use testapi;
use lockapi;
use mmapi;
use tapnet;
use utils;

sub _pxe_setup {
    # set up PXE server (via dnsmasq). Not used for update tests.
    # don't get hung up on slow mirrors when DNFing...
    # create necessary dirs
    assert_script_run "mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/fedora";
    # basic tftp config
    assert_script_run "printf 'enable-tftp\ntftp-root=/var/lib/tftpboot\ntftp-secure\n' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf";
    # pxe boot config
    # we boot grub directly not shim on aarch64 as shim fails to boot
    # with 'Synchronous Exception'
    assert_script_run "printf 'dhcp-match=set:efi-x86_64,option:client-arch,7\ndhcp-match=set:efi-x86_64,option:client-arch,9\ndhcp-match=set:bios,option:client-arch,0\ndhcp-match=set:efi-aarch64,option:client-arch,11\ndhcp-match=set:ppc64,option:client-arch,12\ndhcp-match=set:ppc64,option:client-arch,13\ndhcp-boot=tag:efi-x86_64,\"shim.efi\"\ndhcp-boot=tag:bios,\"pxelinux.0\"\ndhcp-boot=tag:efi-aarch64,\"grubaa64.efi\"\ndhcp-boot=tag:ppc64,\"boot/grub2/powerpc-ieee1275/core.elf\"\n' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf";
    # install and configure bootloaders
    my $ourversion = get_var("CURRREL");
    my $testversion = get_var("RELEASE");
    assert_script_run "mkdir -p /var/tmp/fedora";
    my $arch = get_var("ARCH");

    if ($arch eq 'x86_64') {
        # x86_64: use syslinux for BIOS, grub2 with 'linuxefi' for UEFI
        assert_script_run "mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg";
        # install bootloader packages
        assert_script_run "dnf -y install syslinux", 120;
        assert_script_run "dnf -y --releasever=$ourversion --installroot=/var/tmp/fedora install shim-x64 grub2-efi-x64", 300;
        # copy bootloader files to tftp root
        assert_script_run "cp /usr/share/syslinux/{pxelinux.0,vesamenu.c32,ldlinux.c32,libcom32.c32,libutil.c32} /var/lib/tftpboot";
        assert_script_run "cp /var/tmp/fedora/boot/efi/EFI/fedora/{shim.efi,grubx64.efi} /var/lib/tftpboot";
        # bootloader configs
        # BIOS
        assert_script_run "printf 'default vesamenu.c32\nprompt 1\ntimeout 600\n\nlabel linux\n  menu label ^Install Fedora 64-bit\n  menu default\n  kernel fedora/vmlinuz\n  append initrd=fedora/initrd.img inst.ks=file:///ks.cfg ip=dhcp\nlabel local\n  menu label Boot from ^local drive\n  localboot 0xffff\n' >> /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default";
        # UEFI
        assert_script_run "printf 'function load_video {\n  insmod efi_gop\n  insmod efi_uga\n  insmod ieee1275_fb\n  insmod vbe\n  insmod vga\n  insmod video_bochs\n  insmod video_cirrus\n}\n\nload_video\nset gfxpayload=keep\ninsmod gzio\n\nmenuentry \"Install Fedora 64-bit\"  --class fedora --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {\n  linuxefi fedora/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.ks=file:///ks.cfg\n  initrdefi fedora/initrd.img\n}' >> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub.cfg";
        # DEBUG DEBUG
        upload_logs "/etc/dnsmasq.conf";
        upload_logs "/var/lib/tftpboot/grub.cfg";
        upload_logs "/var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default";

    elsif ($arch eq 'ppc64le') {
        # ppc64le: use grub2 for OFW
        # install bootloader tools package
        assert_script_run "dnf -y install grub2-tools-extra", 180;
        # install a network bootloader to tftp root
        assert_script_run "grub2-mknetdir --net-directory=/var/lib/tftpboot";
        # bootloader config
        assert_script_run "printf 'set default=0\nset timeout=5\n\nmenuentry \"Install Fedora 64-bit\"  --class fedora --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {\n  linux fedora/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.ks=file:///ks.cfg\n  initrd fedora/initrd.img\n}' >> /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/grub2/grub.cfg";
        # DEBUG DEBUG
        upload_logs "/etc/dnsmasq.conf";
        upload_logs "/var/lib/tftpboot/boot/grub2/grub.cfg";

    elsif ($arch eq 'aarch64') {
        # aarch64: use grub2 with 'linux' for UEFI
        # copy bootloader files to tftp root (we just use the system
        # bootloader, no need to install packages)
        assert_script_run "cp /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/{shim.efi,grubaa64.efi} /var/lib/tftpboot";
        # bootloader config
        assert_script_run "printf 'function load_video {\n  insmod efi_gop\n  insmod efi_uga\n  insmod ieee1275_fb\n  insmod vbe\n  insmod vga\n  insmod video_bochs\n  insmod video_cirrus\n}\n\nload_video\nset gfxpayload=keep\ninsmod gzio\n\nmenuentry \"Install Fedora 64-bit\"  --class fedora --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {\n  linux fedora/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.ks=file:///ks.cfg\n  initrd fedora/initrd.img\n}' >> /var/lib/tftpboot/grub.cfg";
        # DEBUG DEBUG
        upload_logs "/etc/dnsmasq.conf";
        upload_logs "/var/lib/tftpboot/grub.cfg";

    # download kernel and initramfs
    my $location = get_var("LOCATION");
    my $kernpath = "images/pxeboot";
        # for some crazy reason these are in a different place for ppc64
    $kernpath = "ppc/ppc64" if ($arch eq 'ppc64le');
    assert_script_run "curl -o /var/lib/tftpboot/fedora/vmlinuz $location/Everything/${arch}/os/${kernpath}/vmlinuz";
    assert_script_run "curl -o /var/lib/tftpboot/fedora/initrd.img $location/Everything/${arch}/os/${kernpath}/initrd.img";
    # get a kickstart to embed in the initramfs, for testing:
    assert_script_run "curl -o ks.cfg";
    # tweak the repo config in it
    assert_script_run "sed -i -e 's,^url.*,nfs --server --dir /repo --opts nfsvers=4,g' ks.cfg";
    # embed it
    assert_script_run "echo ks.cfg | cpio -c -o >> /var/lib/tftpboot/fedora/initrd.img";
    # chown root
    assert_script_run "chown -R dnsmasq /var/lib/tftpboot";
    assert_script_run "restorecon -vr /var/lib/tftpboot";
    # open firewall ports
    assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=tftp";

sub run {
    my $self=shift;
    # disable systemd-resolved, it conflicts with dnsmasq
    unless (script_run "systemctl is-active systemd-resolved.service") {
        script_run "systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service";
        script_run "systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service";
        script_run "rm -f /etc/resolv.conf";
        script_run "systemctl restart NetworkManager";
    ## DNS / DHCP (dnsmasq)
    # create config
    assert_script_run "printf '\ndhcp-range=,\ndhcp-option=option:router,\n' > /etc/dnsmasq.conf";
    # do PXE setup if this is not an update test
    _pxe_setup() unless (get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK"));
    # open firewall ports
    assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=dhcp";
    assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=dns";
    # start server
    assert_script_run "systemctl restart dnsmasq.service";
    assert_script_run "systemctl is-active dnsmasq.service";

    ## ISCSI

    # start up iscsi target
    assert_script_run "printf '<target iqn.2016-06.local.domain:support.target1>\n    backing-store /dev/vdb\n    incominguser test weakpassword\n</target>' > /etc/tgt/conf.d/openqa.conf";
    # open firewall port
    assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=iscsi-target";
    assert_script_run "systemctl restart tgtd.service";
    assert_script_run "systemctl is-active tgtd.service";

    ## NFS

    # create the file share
    assert_script_run "mkdir -p /export";
    # get the kickstart
    assert_script_run "curl -o /export/root-user-crypted-net.ks";
    # for update tests, set up the update repository and export it
    if (get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK")) {
        assert_script_run "echo '/opt/update_repo' >> /etc/exports";
    # for compose tests, we do all this stuff
    else {
        # create the repo share
        assert_script_run "mkdir -p /repo";
        # create a mount point for the ISO
        assert_script_run "mkdir -p /mnt/iso";
        # mount the ISO there
        assert_script_run "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/iso";
        # copy the contents of the ISO to the repo share
        assert_script_run "dnf -y install rsync", 180;
        assert_script_run "rsync -av /mnt/iso/ /repo", 180;
        # put the updates image in the NFS repo (for testing this update
        # image delivery method)
        assert_script_run "curl -o /repo/images/updates.img";
        # create the iso share
        assert_script_run "mkdir -p /iso";
        # recreate an iso file
        # set up the exports
        assert_script_run "printf '/export\n/repo\n/iso' > /etc/exports";

    # open firewall port
    assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --add-service=nfs";
    # start the server
    assert_script_run "systemctl restart nfs-server.service";
    assert_script_run "systemctl is-active nfs-server.service";

    # report ready, wait for children
    # upload logs in case of child failures

sub test_flags {
    return { fatal => 1 };


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