= OpenQA install guide = == Install OpenSuse 13.2, default with Gnome == * Add online repos before install * Create partition setup & use the right HDD * Select Update & Non-OSS repos & Main Update Repository * Select GNOME desktop * Create user (test/fedora), make user system administrator * Disable firewall, enable SSH * ??? * Profit! == OpenQA installation == sudo su - # add user useradd geekotest # add repos zypper ar -f obs://devel:openQA/openSUSE_13.2 openQA zypper ar -f obs://devel:openQA:13.2/openSUSE_13.2 openQA-perl-modules # install zypper in openQA zypper in openQA-worker # filesystem layout cd /var/lib/openqa mkdir pool/1 chown -R geekotest backlog cache factory perl pool share testresults script # apache gensslcert cd /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ a2enmod headers a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http a2enmod proxy_wstunnel a2enmod ssl a2enflag SSL cp openqa-ssl.conf.template openqa-ssl.conf cp openqa.conf.template openqa.conf # edit openqa-common.inc # replace Order allow deny & Allow from all by sinle line # Require all granted # edit openqa-ssl.conf # un-comment lines starting with #SSL # replace paths to certificates from 'openqa.{crt,key}' to 'server.{crt,key}' # OpenID # edit /etc/openqa/openqa.ini # uncomment & change: # [openid] # provider = https://id.fedoraproject.org/ # services systemctl enable apache2 systemctl restart apache2 systemctl enable openqa-webui systemctl restart openqa-webui curl http://localhost # login via OpenID - the first one to login is automagically set to be the admin # Setup Worker # go to http:/localhost/api_keys & create the keys # copy the key & secret to /etc/openqa/client.conf systemctl enable openqa-worker@1 systemctl start openqa-worker@1 # check whether worker is active in the web-ui