use base "basetest"; use strict; use testapi; sub run { # If KICKSTART is set, then the wait_time needs to consider the # install time. if UPGRADE, we have to wait for the entire upgrade my $wait_time = 300; $wait_time = 1800 if (get_var("KICKSTART")); $wait_time = 6000 if (get_var("UPGRADE")); # Wait for the login screen assert_screen "graphical_login", $wait_time; # handle the qemu display buffer sometimes showing the DM from the # *previous* boot - wait_still_screen; assert_screen "graphical_login"; # do user login unless USER_LOGIN is set to string 'false' unless (get_var("USER_LOGIN") eq "false") { if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome') { # we have to hit enter to get the password dialog send_key "ret"; } assert_screen "graphical_login_input"; type_string get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"); send_key "ret"; # Handle initial-setup, for GNOME, unless START_AFTER_TEST # is set in which case it will have been done already if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && !get_var("START_AFTER_TEST")) { assert_screen "next_button", 60; # sleep a bit to let things calm down; we can't wait still # screen because g-i-s constantly changes and we can't wait # idle because packagekit might be doin' stuff... sleep 5; assert_and_click "next_button", 10; for my $n (1..2) { # click 'Next' twice, moving the mouse to avoid # highlight problems, sleeping to give it time to get # to the next screen between clicks wait_still_screen; mouse_set(100, 100); assert_and_click "next_button"; } # click 'Skip' one time mouse_set(100,100); wait_screen_change { assert_and_click "skip_button"; }; send_key "ret"; # wait for the stupid 'help' screen to show and kill it assert_screen "getting_started"; send_key "alt-f4"; wait_still_screen 5; } # Move the mouse somewhere it won't highlight the match areas mouse_set(300, 200); # KDE can take ages to start up assert_screen "graphical_desktop_clean", 120; } } sub test_flags { # without anything - rollback to 'lastgood' snapshot if failed # 'fatal' - whole test suite is in danger if this fails # 'milestone' - after this test succeeds, update 'lastgood' # 'important' - if this fails, set the overall state to 'fail' return { fatal => 1, milestone => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: