
"""This is a sanity check for the Fedora Intermediate Format (fif) converter and loader. It reads
in templates.old.json and templates-updates.old.json - which are expected to be our original-format
templates in JSON format - runs them through the converter to the intermediate format, then runs
them through the loader *from* the intermediate format, and (via DeepDiff, thanks jskladan!) checks
that the results are equivalent to the input, pace a couple of expected differences.

from deepdiff import DeepDiff
import json
import subprocess

with open('templates.old.json', 'r') as tempfh:
    origtemp = json.load(tempfh)
with open('templates-updates.old.json', 'r') as updfh:
    origupd = json.load(updfh)

# run the converter
# run the loader on the converted files
subprocess.run(['./fifloader.py', '--write', 'templates.fif.json', 'templates-updates.fif.json'])
with open('generated.json', 'r') as generatedfh:
    generated = json.load(generatedfh)

# merge origs

for item in generated['Products']:
    # we generate the product names in the converter, our original
    # templates don't have them
    item['name'] = ""
for item in generated['JobTemplates']:
    if item['group_name'] == 'fedora':
        # we don't explicitly specify this in our original templates,
        # but the converter adds it (rather than relying on openQA
        # to guess when loading)
        del item['group_name']
ddiff = DeepDiff(origtemp, generated, ignore_order=True, report_repetition=True)
# if this is just {}, we're good