use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use lockapi; use tapnet; use utils; sub run { my $self=shift; # clone host's /etc/hosts (for phx2 internal routing to work) # must come *before* setup_tap_static or else it would overwrite # its changes clone_host_file("/etc/hosts"); # set up networking setup_tap_static("", "dbclient.domain.local"); # clone host's resolv.conf to get name resolution clone_host_file("/etc/resolv.conf"); # use compose repo, disable u-t, etc. repo_setup(); # install postgresql assert_script_run "dnf -y install postgresql", 120; # wait for the server to be ready mutex_lock "db_ready"; mutex_unlock "db_ready"; # check we can connect to the database and create a table assert_script_run "PGPASSWORD=correcthorse psql openqa -h -U openqa -c 'CREATE TABLE test2 (testcol int);'"; } sub test_flags { # without anything - rollback to 'lastgood' snapshot if failed # 'fatal' - whole test suite is in danger if this fails # 'milestone' - after this test succeeds, update 'lastgood' # 'important' - if this fails, set the overall state to 'fail' return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: