use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; sub run { my $self = shift; my $password = get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"); my $version = get_var("VERSION"); # If KICKSTART is set, then the wait_time needs to consider the # install time. if UPGRADE, we have to wait for the entire upgrade # unless ENCRYPT_PASSWORD is set (in which case the postinstall # test does the waiting) my $wait_time = 300; $wait_time = 1800 if (get_var("KICKSTART")); $wait_time = 6000 if (get_var("UPGRADE") && !get_var("ENCRYPT_PASSWORD")); # handle bootloader, if requested if (get_var("GRUB_POSTINSTALL")) { do_bootloader(postinstall=>1, params=>get_var("GRUB_POSTINSTALL"), timeout=>$wait_time); $wait_time = 300; } # Handle pre-login initial setup if we're doing INSTALL_NO_USER if (get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER") && !get_var("_setup_done")) { if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome') { gnome_initial_setup(prelogin=>1, timeout=>$wait_time); } else { anaconda_create_user(timeout=>$wait_time); # wait out animation wait_still_screen 3; assert_and_click "initialsetup_finish_configuration"; set_var("_setup_done", 1); } $wait_time = 300; } # Wait for the login screen, unless we're doing a GNOME no user # install, which transitions straight from g-i-s to logged-in # desktop unless (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) { # for Rocky Linux here happens to be a license acceptance screen # the initial appearance can sometimes take really long assert_screen "gdm_initial_setup_license", 120; assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_license"; # Make sure the card has fully lifted until clicking on the buttons wait_still_screen 5, 30; assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_licence_accept"; assert_and_click "gdm_spoke_done"; # As well as coming back wait_still_screen 5, 30; assert_screen "gdm_initial_setup_license_accepted"; assert_and_click "gdm_initial_setup_spoke_forward"; boot_to_login_screen(timeout => $wait_time); # if USER_LOGIN is set to string 'false', we're done here return if (get_var("USER_LOGIN") eq "false"); # GDM 3.24.1 dumps a cursor in the middle of the screen here... mouse_hide; if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome') { # we have to hit enter to get the password dialog, and it # doesn't always work for some reason so just try it three # times send_key_until_needlematch("graphical_login_input", "ret", 3, 5); } assert_screen "graphical_login_input"; # seems like we often double-type on aarch64 if we start right # away wait_still_screen 5; if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT")) { # see _do_install_and_reboot; when layout is switched # user password is doubled to contain both US and native # chars desktop_switch_layout 'ascii'; type_very_safely $password; desktop_switch_layout 'native'; type_very_safely $password; } else { type_very_safely $password; } send_key "ret"; } # For GNOME, handle initial-setup or welcome tour, unless START_AFTER_TEST # is set in which case it will have been done already. Always # do it if ADVISORY_OR_TASK is set, as for the update testing flow, # START_AFTER_TEST is set but a no-op and this hasn't happened if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && (get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK") || !get_var("START_AFTER_TEST"))) { # as this test gets loaded twice on the ADVISORY_OR_TASK flow, and # we might be on the INSTALL_NO_USER flow, check whether # this happened already my $relnum = get_release_number; if ($relnum < 34) { # before GNOME 40 (F34), we get a per-user version of # gnome-initial-setup here... gnome_initial_setup() unless (get_var("_setup_done")); } else { # ...from GNOME 40 on, we just get a "Welcome" tour handle_welcome_screen unless (get_var("_welcome_done")); } } if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq 'gnome' && get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) { # handle welcome screen if we didn't do it above (holy flow # control, Batman!) handle_welcome_screen unless (get_var("_welcome_done")); # if this was an image deployment, we also need to create # root user now, for subsequent tests to work if (get_var("IMAGE_DEPLOY")) { send_key "ctrl-alt-f3"; console_login(user=>get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test"), password=>get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword")); type_string "sudo su\n"; type_string "$password\n"; my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword"; assert_script_run "echo 'root:$root_password' | chpasswd"; desktop_vt; } } # Move the mouse somewhere it won't highlight the match areas mouse_set(300, 800); # KDE can take ages to start up check_desktop(timeout=>120); } sub test_flags { return { fatal => 1, milestone => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: