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use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use lockapi;
use mmapi;
use tapnet;
use utils;
# Adapted from Fedora's OpenQA tests, with some modifications. This will need
# to be maintained per major version as necessary.
# label@rockylinux.org
use feature "switch";
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $version_major = get_version_major;
my $relnum = get_release_number;
my $ipa_hostname = script_output 'hostname';
my $ipa_install_cmd;
my @ipa_firewall_services;
my $ipa_domain = 'test.openqa.rockylinux.org';
my $ipa_admin_password = 'b1U3OnyX!';
my $ipa_reverse_zone = '2.16.172.in-addr.arpa';
my $ipa_install_args = "-U --auto-forwarders --realm=$ipa_realm --domain=$ipa_domain --ds-password=$ipa_admin_password --admin-password=$ipa_admin_password --setup-dns --reverse-zone=$ipa_reverse_zone --allow-zone-overlap --skip-mem-check";
given ($version_major) {
when ('8') {
$ipa_install_cmd = 'dnf --assumeyes module install idm:DL1/{dns,client,server,common}';
@ipa_firewall_services = qw(http https kerberos kpasswd ldap ldaps dns);
when ('9') {
$ipa_install_cmd = 'dnf --assumeyes install ipa-server ipa-client ipa-server-dns sssd sssd-ipa';
@ipa_firewall_services = qw(freeipa-4 dns);
default {
$ipa_install_cmd = 'dnf --assumeyes install ipa-server ipa-client ipa-server-dns sssd sssd-ipa';
@ipa_firewall_services = qw(freeipa-4 dns);
# switch to TTY3 for both, graphical and console tests
$self->root_console(tty => 3);
if (get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD")) {
console_login(user => "root", password => get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD"));
# We need entropy. Install rng-tools and start it up. Fedora uses haveged
# but Rocky Linux does not have it unless EPEL is used.
assert_script_run "dnf --assumeyes install rng-tools", 300;
assert_script_run 'systemctl start rngd.service';
# per ab, this should get us extra debug logging from the web UI
# in error_log
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p /etc/ipa';
assert_script_run 'printf "[global]\ndebug = True\n" > /etc/ipa/server.conf';
# per ab, this gets us more debugging for bind
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/named-pkcs11.service.d';
assert_script_run 'printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=OPTIONS=-d5\n" > /etc/systemd/system/named-pkcs11.service.d/debug.conf';
# Based on the major version, install FreeIPA
assert_script_run "$ipa_install_cmd", 600;
# Enable all the firewall services as needed per major version
for my $service (@ipa_firewall_services) {
assert_script_run "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service $service";
assert_script_run "systemctl restart firewalld.service";
# deploy the server
assert_script_run "ipa-server-install $ipa_install_args", 1200;
# enable and start the systemd service
assert_script_run "systemctl enable ipa.service";
assert_script_run "systemctl start ipa.service", 300;
# kinit as admin
assert_script_run "echo '$ipa_admin_password' | kinit admin";
# set up an OTP for client001 enrolment (this should enroll by kickstart or another way)
assert_script_run "ipa host-add client001.$ipa_domain --password=monkeys --force";
# Testing kerb services
assert_script_run "ipa service-add testservice/$ipa_hostname";
assert_script_run "ipa-getkeytab -s $ipa_hostname -p testservice/$ipa_hostname -k /tmp/testservice.keytab";
validate_script_output 'klist -k /tmp/testservice.keytab', sub { $_ =~ m/testservice\/$ipa_hostname/ };
# This is commented for now. We need a while loop that watches for ipa-getcert list -r to become empty.
#assert_script_run "ipa-getcert request -K testservice/$ipa_hostname -D $ipa_hostname -f /etc/pki/tls/certs/testservice.pki -k /etc/pki/tls/private/testservice.key";
#validate_script_output "ipa-getcert list -r | sed -n '/Request ID/,/auto-renew: yes/p'", sub { $_ =~ m// };
# Testing DNS
assert_script_run "ipa dnszone-add --name-server=$ipa_hostname. --admin-email=hostmaster.testzone.$ipa_domain. testzone.$ipa_domain";
# ensure subdomain was made
validate_script_output "dig \@localhost SOA testzone.$ipa_domain", sub { $_ =~ m/status: NOERROR/ };
# make test records with CNAME
assert_script_run "ipa dnsrecord-add $ipa_domain testrecord --cname-hostname=onyxtest";
# validate it works
validate_script_output "dig \@localhost CNAME testrecord.$ipa_domain", sub { $_ =~ m/status: NOERROR/ };
# make test records with CNAME in subdomain
assert_script_run "ipa dnsrecord-add testzone.$ipa_domain testrecord --cname-hostname=onyxtest.$ipa_domain";
# validate it works
validate_script_output "dig \@localhost CNAME testrecord.testzone.$ipa_domain", sub { $_ =~ m/status: NOERROR/ };
# User Accounts + HBAC + SUDO
# create two user accounts, test1 and test2
assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test1 --first test --last one --password';
assert_script_run 'echo "correcthorse" | ipa user-add test2 --first test --last two --password';
# add a rule allowing access to all hosts and services
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add testrule --servicecat=all --hostcat=all';
# add test1 (but not test2) to the rule
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-add-user testrule --users=test1';
# disable the default 'everyone everywhere' rule
assert_script_run 'ipa hbacrule-disable allow_all';
# allow immediate password changes (as we need to test this)
assert_script_run 'ipa pwpolicy-mod --minlife=0';
# magic voodoo crap to allow reverse DNS client sync to work
# https://docs.pagure.org/bind-dyndb-ldap/BIND9/SyncPTR.html
assert_script_run "ipa dnszone-mod $ipa_domain. --allow-sync-ptr=TRUE";
# kinit as each user and set a new password
assert_script_run "printf 'correcthorse\nbatterystaple\nbatterystaple' | kinit test1\@$ipa_realm";
assert_script_run "printf 'correcthorse\nbatterystaple\nbatterystaple' | kinit test2\@$ipa_realm";
# add a sudo rule
assert_script_run "kswitch -p admin\@$ipa_realm";
assert_script_run 'ipa sudorule-add testrule --desc="Test rule in IPA" --hostcat=all --cmdcat=all --runasusercat=all --runasgroupcat=all';
assert_script_run 'ipa sudorule-add-user testrule --users="test1"';
validate_script_output 'ipa sudorule-show testrule', sub { $_ =~ m/Rule name: testrule/ };
validate_script_output 'ipa sudorule-show testrule', sub { $_ =~ m/Users: test1/ };
# This may fail - Invalidate sudo cache and check test1's sudo perms
# If we want to test this in openQA it appears we may need to deploy more complete
# config for sudo. For now change validate_script_output to assert_script_run
assert_script_run 'sss_cache -R';
#validate_script_output 'sudo -l -U test1', sub { $_ =~ m/test1 may run the following commands/ };
assert_script_run 'sudo -l -U test1';
# we're ready for children to enroll, now
# This generally applies to Fedora upgrades. We don't perform upgrades in EL
# but we will leave this here.
if (get_var("UPGRADE")) {
my $children = get_children();
my $child_id = (keys %$children)[0];
mutex_lock('client_enrolled', $child_id);
sub test_flags {
return {fatal => 1};
# vim: set sw=4 et: