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SOP: openQA System Upgrades

This SOP details the necessary steps for performing a system upgrade on an openQA host.

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  1. Verify current installation is fully upgraded

    dnf upgrade --refresh
  2. Install system upgrade plugin

    dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
  3. Download the upgrade packages for next version

    dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=[newversion]
  4. Reboot into offline upgrade mode

    dnf system-upgrade reboot
  5. Post-reboot cleanup

    dnf system-upgrade clean
    dnf clean packages

Post-Upgrade Tasks

These steps may also be necessary in some (but not all) cases.

Upgrade the PostgreSQL database

  1. Install postgresql-upgrade package

    dnf install postgresql-upgrade
  2. Upgrade your postgres database

    sudo -iu postgres
    postgresql-setup --upgrade

Re-apply Rocky branding

  1. Obtain the Ansible openQA deployment repository

  2. Run the branding related tasks

    ansible-playbook init-openqa-rocky-developer-host.yml -t branding


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Last update: June 29, 2023