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QA:Testcase Packages No RHSM

Associated release criterion

This test case is associated with the Release_Criteria#repositories-must-match-upstream release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion.


This test will verify that packages that are availble from upstream do not have hard requirements on subscription-manager (RHSM).


  1. Obtain access to an environment with the dnf command.
  2. Download the ISO to be tested to that machine.

How to test

  1. Mount the ISO to be tested locally.
  2. Obtain a list of packages that have Requires: for subscription-manager
    • Example:
      package_list=($(dnf --refresh repoquery --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS --repofrompath AppStream,/media/AppStream --repo AppStream --whatrequires subscription-manager 2>/dev/null| grep el8))
  3. Download the packages with explicity Requires: for subscription-manager
    • Example:
      dnf --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS --repofrompath AppStream,/media/AppStream --repo AppStream download "${package_list[@]}"
  4. Obtain the SOURCEPKG definition for the above packages
    • Example:
      rpm -q --queryformat="%{NAME}|%{SOURCERPM}\n" subscription-manager*.rpm | column -s\| -t
  5. Unmount the ISO.

Expected Results

  1. No packages have an explicit requirement for subscription-manager.

Sample Output

$ sudo mount -o loop Rocky-8.5-aarch64-minimal.iso /media
mount: /media: WARNING: device write-protected, mounted read-only.

$ package_list=($(dnf --refresh repoquery --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS --repofrompath AppStream,/media/AppStream --repo AppStream --whatrequires subscription-manager 2>/dev/null| grep el8))

$ dnf --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS --repofrompath AppStream,/media/AppStream --repo AppStream download "${package_list[@]}"
Added BaseOS repo from /media/BaseOS
Added AppStream repo from /media/AppStream
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:25 ago on Sun 24 Apr 2022 10:57:13 PM UTC.

$ rpm -q --queryformat="%{NAME}|%{SOURCERPM}\n" subscription-manager*.rpm | column -s\| -t
subscription-manager-cockpit        subscription-manager-1.28.21-3.el8.src.rpm
subscription-manager-migration      subscription-manager-1.28.21-3.el8.src.rpm
subscription-manager-plugin-ostree  subscription-manager-1.28.21-3.el8.src.rpm

$ sudo umount /media


Additional Information

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