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<h1>QA:Testcase Debranding</h1>
<div class="admonition info">
<p class="admonition-title">Associated release criterion</p>
<p>This test case is associated with the <a href="../../../guidelines/release_criteria/r9/9_release_criteria/#debranding">Release_Criteria - Debranding</a> release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion.</p>
<h2 id="description">Description<a class="headerlink" href="#description" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
<p>The Rocky Linux <a href="/team/release_engineering/">Release Engineering Team</a> builds and maintains tools to manage the debranding of packages received from the upstream vendor. They have published a comprehensive <a href="/team/release_engineering/debranding/">debranding guide</a> and maintain a <a href="">list of packages</a> requiring debranding patches.</p>
<p>This testcase will verify that all packages available on released media that Rocky Linux Release Engineering has identified as requiring debranding are debranded successfully per their specification.</p>
<h2 id="setup">Setup<a class="headerlink" href="#setup" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
<li>Obtain access to an environment with the <code>dnf</code>, and <code>koji</code> commands and access to <a href="">Rocky Linux Gitlab</a> and <a href="">Rocky Linux Koji</a></li>
<li>Download the ISO to be tested to test machine.</li>
<li>Configure <code>/etc/koji.conf</code> to access the <a href="">Rocky Linux Koji</a>.</li>
<li>Download a recent copy the <a href="">patch.yml</a> from <a href="">Rocky Linux Gitlab</a>.</li>
<div class="admonition info">
<p class="admonition-title">patch.yml</p>
<p>Packages listed in <code>patch.yml</code> are names of source RPMs. Binary RPMs containing content produced by building the patched source RPMs need to be validated. The easiest way to get the list of all possible binary RPMs for a particular package and arch is to ask obtain that information in koji.</p>
<h2 id="how-to-test">How to test<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-test" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
<li>Mount the ISO to be tested locally.<ul>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ mount -o loop Rocky-8.5-x86_64-dvd1.iso /media
<li>Determine the path(s) to the <code>repodata</code> directory(ies) on the ISO.<ul>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ find /media -name repodata
<li>For each package to be validated get the names of the <code>noarch</code> and <code><arch></code> specific packages created from it.<ul>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=x86_64 dist-rocky8-compose <package>
$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=noarch dist-rocky8-compose <package>
<li>Use <code>dnf</code> to obtain the paths to the binary packages requiring debranding.<ul>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ dnf download --urls --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS \
--repofrompath Minimal,/media/Minimal --repo Minimal \
<p>Copy the <code><binary_package></code> from the media and examine it's metadata and/or contents to determine if it has obviously been patched.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ rpm -q --changelog -p <path_to_binary_package> | head | \
grep "Release Engineering <>" -C2 | \
grep -Eq "<pattern_to_find>"
$ rpm2cpio <path_to_binary_package> |
cpio --quiet --extract --to-stdout .<file_to_examine> | \
grep -Eq "<pattern_to_find>"
<div class="admonition info">
<p class="admonition-title">NOTE</p>
<p>Note all debranding patches will patch files directly and leave very obvious traces, some patches don't even add changelog messages to use as an indicator that the package has been patched or debranded. Sometimes the only solution is to extract the binary package and examine the contents directly to find something to test.</p>
<p>Unmount the ISO.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ umount /media
<h2 id="expected-results">Expected Results<a class="headerlink" href="#expected-results" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2>
<li>Packages tracked by Release Engineering as requiring debranding and published on installation media are, in fact, debranded per their specification.</li>
<h3>Sample Output</h3>
<div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs="1:2"><input checked="checked" id="__tabbed_1_1" name="__tabbed_1" type="radio" /><input id="__tabbed_1_2" name="__tabbed_1" type="radio" /><div class="tabbed-labels"><label for="__tabbed_1_1">Success</label><label for="__tabbed_1_2">Failure</label></div>
<div class="tabbed-content">
<div class="tabbed-block">
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ sudo mount -o loop Rocky-8.5-aarch64-minimal.iso /media
mount: /media: WARNING: device write-protected, mounted read-only.
$ find /media -name repodata
$ curl -LOR
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 3410 100 3410 0 0 20419 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20419
$ yq .debrand.all[] patch.yml | column -x -c 100 -o " "
abrt anaconda anaconda-user-help chrony
cloud-init cockpit crash dhcp
dnf firefox fwupd gcc
gcc-toolset-9-gcc gcc-toolset-10-gcc gcc-toolset-11-gcc gcc-toolset-12-gcc
gnome-settings-daemon grub2 httpd initial-setup
kernel kernel-rt libdnf libreoffice
libreport nginx opa-ff opa-fm
openscap pesign PackageKit python-pip
python3 redhat-rpm-config scap-security-guide shim
shim-unsigned-x64 shim-unsigned-aarch64 sos subscription-manager
systemd thunderbird WALinuxAgent
$ ./yq .debrand.r8[] patch.yml | column -x -c 100 -o " "
dotnet3.0 fwupdate gnome-boxes libguestfs pcs plymouth
NOTE: Only a single package will be shown in this Example.
$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=x86_64 dist-rocky8-compose sos
$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=noarch dist-rocky8-compose sos
$ dnf download --urls --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS \
--repofrompath Minimal,/media/Minimal --repo Minimal \
sos sos-audit | grep -E "^file"
$ rpm -q --changelog -p /media/BaseOS/Packages/s/sos-4.1-5.el8.noarch.rpm | \
head | grep "Release Engineering <>" -C2
* Mon Oct 18 2021 Release Engineering <> - 4.1-5
- Remove Red Hat branding from sos
$ echo $?
$ rpm -q --changelog -p /media/BaseOS/Packages/s/sos-audit-4.1-5.el8.noarch.rpm | \
head | grep "Release Engineering <>" -C2
* Mon Oct 18 2021 Release Engineering <> - 4.1-5
- Remove Red Hat branding from sos
$ echo $?
$ umount /media
<div class="tabbed-block">
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>$ sudo mount -o loop Rocky-8.5-aarch64-minimal.iso /media
mount: /media: WARNING: device write-protected, mounted read-only.
$ find /media -name repodata
$ curl -LOR
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 3410 100 3410 0 0 20419 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20419
$ yq .debrand.all[] patch.yml | column -x -c 100 -o " "
abrt anaconda anaconda-user-help chrony
cloud-init cockpit crash dhcp
dnf firefox fwupd gcc
gcc-toolset-9-gcc gcc-toolset-10-gcc gcc-toolset-11-gcc gcc-toolset-12-gcc
gnome-settings-daemon grub2 httpd initial-setup
kernel kernel-rt libdnf libreoffice
libreport nginx opa-ff opa-fm
openscap pesign PackageKit python-pip
python3 redhat-rpm-config scap-security-guide shim
shim-unsigned-x64 shim-unsigned-aarch64 sos subscription-manager
systemd thunderbird WALinuxAgent
$ ./yq .debrand.r8[] patch.yml | column -x -c 100 -o " "
dotnet3.0 fwupdate gnome-boxes libguestfs pcs plymouth
NOTE: Only a single package will be shown in this Example.
$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=x86_64 dist-rocky8-compose sos
$ koji --quiet latest-build --arch=noarch dist-rocky8-compose sos
$ dnf download --urls --repofrompath BaseOS,/media/BaseOS --repo BaseOS \
--repofrompath Minimal,/media/Minimal --repo Minimal \
sos sos-audit | grep -E "^file"
$ rpm -q --changelog -p /media/BaseOS/Packages/s/sos-4.1-5.el8.noarch.rpm | \
head | grep "Release Engineering <>" -C2
$ echo $?
$ rpm -q --changelog -p /media/BaseOS/Packages/s/sos-audit-4.1-5.el8.noarch.rpm | \
head | grep "Release Engineering <>" -C2
$ echo $?
$ umount /media
<h3>Additional Information</h3>
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<p>Rocky Linux and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF) does not make any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of any third party intellectual property rights. RESF does not warrant that any pending trademark applications for trademarks of RESF will result in any granted trademark protection. RESF shall not be liable for any claims relating to user's activities falling within the scope of the permission and user hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold RESF and its contributors harmless against any such claim.</p>
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<p>This work is heavily inspired by the <a href="">Fedora Quality Assurance</a> documents which were made available under <a href="">Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International</a> license unless otherwise noted.</p>
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