#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then >&2 echo "$0: please run this script as root" exit 1 fi KICKSTART_BASE="Rocky" TODAY="$(TZ='UTC' date +%Y.%m.%d)" KICKSTART_FILE="${KICKSTART_BASE}.ks" APPLIANCE_NAME="${KICKSTART_BASE}-$(source <(grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release) && awk -F '.' '{print $1}' <<< $VERSION_ID)-$(uname -m)-minimal-${TODAY}" IMAGE_NAME="${APPLIANCE_NAME}.raw" COMMANDS_TO_CHECK=('appliance-creator' 'hdparm' 'shasum' 'zstd') for COMMAND in "${COMMANDS_TO_CHECK[@]}"; do if ! command -v "${COMMAND}" > /dev/null; then >&2 echo "$0: ERROR: unable to find command '${COMMAND}' in PATH" exit 1 fi done if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then GUSER="^$1" if ! grep $GUSER /etc/shadow > /dev/null; then >&2 echo "$0: ERROR: unable to find user '$1'" exit 1 fi fi function create_new_image { UBOOT_MAX_SIZE='64' IMAGE_SIZE=$(( $(stat -c '%s' "${IMAGE_NAME}") / 1024 / 1024 )) NEW_IMAGE_NAME="${IMAGE_NAME}.new" truncate -s "$(( IMAGE_SIZE + UBOOT_MAX_SIZE ))"MiB "${NEW_IMAGE_NAME}" LOOPBACK_01=$(losetup -f -P --show "${IMAGE_NAME}") LOOPBACK_02=$(losetup -f -P --show "${NEW_IMAGE_NAME}") # 1 MiB = 2048 * (1 block/sector (512 bytes)) UEFI_SECTORS="$(( $(fdisk -l "${LOOPBACK_01}" | grep "${LOOPBACK_01}p1" | awk '{print $4}') + 2048 ))" BOOT_SECTORS="$(( $(fdisk -l "${LOOPBACK_01}" | grep "${LOOPBACK_01}p2" | awk '{print $4}') + 4096 ))" cat << EOF | fdisk "${LOOPBACK_02}" g n 1 65536 +${UEFI_SECTORS} n 2 +${BOOT_SECTORS} n 3 w EOF sync; sync; sync; sync; sleep 10 hdparm -z "${LOOPBACK_02}" dd bs=4M conv=sync status=progress if="${LOOPBACK_01}p3" of="${LOOPBACK_02}p3" dd bs=4M conv=sync status=progress if="${LOOPBACK_01}p2" of="${LOOPBACK_02}p2" dd bs=4M conv=sync status=progress if="${LOOPBACK_01}p1" of="${LOOPBACK_02}p1" sync; sync; sync; sync; sleep 10 losetup -d "${LOOPBACK_02}" losetup -d "${LOOPBACK_01}" mv "${NEW_IMAGE_NAME}" "${IMAGE_NAME}" sync; sync; sync; sync; sleep 10 } script -q -c "appliance-creator \ --config ${KICKSTART_FILE} \ --name ${APPLIANCE_NAME} \ --format raw \ --outdir ${PWD} \ --no-compress \ --debug \ --cache /root/cache \ --verbose" | tee "${APPLIANCE_NAME}.log" || exit 1 # the script command creates a file called typescript rm -vf typescript if [[ -d "${APPLIANCE_NAME}" ]]; then pushd "${APPLIANCE_NAME}" || exit 1 mv "../${APPLIANCE_NAME}.log" . mv "${APPLIANCE_NAME}-sda.raw" "${IMAGE_NAME}" create_new_image zstd --compress -9 "${IMAGE_NAME}" sha512sum -- *.raw* > SHA512SUMS sha256sum -- *.raw* > SHA256SUMS popd || exit 0 else >&2 echo "$0: ERROR: unable to find the appliance output directory" >&2 echo "$0: ${APPLIANCE_NAME}" exit 1 fi if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then chown "$1":"$1" -vR "${APPLIANCE_NAME}" fi