%post set -x # The official kickstart docs has a 'user' command, but using it somehow # causes 'systemd-logind.service' to fail during boot and you are essentially # locked out even when you enter the correct credentials # User setup USER_COMMENT='Pratham Patel' USER_NAME='pratham' USER_PASSWORD='asdf' USER_GROUPS='mock,wheel' # The 'useradd' binary can't be found in $PATH (idk why), so # execute it using its absolute path /sbin/useradd \ --uid 1000 \ --create-home \ --comment "${USER_COMMENT}" \ --user-group "${USER_NAME}" \ --groups "${USER_GROUPS}" echo -e "${USER_PASSWORD}\n${USER_PASSWORD}" | passwd "${USER_NAME}" sed -i "s/# %wheel\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL/" /etc/sudoers # dotfiles sudo -i -u "${USER_NAME}" git clone --bare https://gitlab.com/thefossguy/dotfiles.git "/home/${USER_NAME}/.dotfiles" sudo -i -u "${USER_NAME}" git --git-dir="/home/${USER_NAME}/.dotfiles" --work-tree="/home/${USER_NAME}" checkout -f rm -rf "/home/${USER_NAME}/.config/nvim" # Lock the root account passwd -l root %end