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# Ansible
Ansible playbooks, roles, modules, etc will come here. Documentation to come soon.
Each playbook should have comments or a name descripter that explains what the playbook does or how it is used. If not available, README-... files can be used in place.
## Structure
files -> As the name implies, non-templated files go here
group_vars -> Group Variables go here if they are not fulfilled in an inventory
host_vars -> Host variables go here
inventory -> All static inventories go here
roles -> Custom roles can go here
tasks -> Common tasks come here
templates -> Templates go here
vars -> Global variables that are called with vars_files go here. This
is mainly for init and encpass.yml
## Current Playbook Naming
init-* -> Starting infrastructure playbooks that run solo or import other
playbooks that start with import-
import -> Playbooks that should be imported from the top level playbooks
role-* -> These playbooks call roles specifically for infrastructure tasks.
Playbooks that do not call a role should be named init or adhoc based
on their usage.
adhoc -> These playbooks are one-off playbooks that can be used on the CLI or
in AWX