2023-06-27 19:31:32 -07:00

309 lines
9.9 KiB

# -*-:python; coding:utf-8; -*-
# author: Louis Abel <label@rockylinux.org>
Importer accessories
import os
import re
import shutil
from pv2.util import gitutil, fileutil, rpmutil, processor, generic
from pv2.util import error as err
__all__ = [
# todo: add in logging and replace print with log
class Import:
Import an SRPM
def remove_everything(local_repo_path):
Removes all files from a repo. This is on purpose to ensure that an
import is "clean"
Ignores .git and .gitignore
file_list = fileutil.filter_files_inverse(local_repo_path, lambda file: '.git' in file)
for file in file_list:
if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
elif os.path.isdir(file):
def unpack_srpm(srpm_path, local_repo_path):
Unpacks an srpm to the local repo path
command_to_send = [
f"'%_topdir {local_repo_path}'"
command_to_send = ' '.join(command_to_send)
def generate_metadata(repo_path: str, repo_name: str, file_dict: dict):
Generates .repo.metadata file
with open(f'{repo_path}/.{repo_name}.metadata', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as meta:
for name, sha in file_dict.items():
meta.write(f'{sha} {name}\n')
def generate_filesum(repo_path: str, repo_name: str, srpm_hash: str):
Generates the file that has the original sha256sum of the package this
came from.
with open(f'{repo_path}/.{repo_name}.checksum', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as checksum:
def get_dict_of_lookaside_files(local_repo_path):
Returns a dict of files that are part of sources and are binary.
source_dict = {}
for file in os.scandir(f'{local_repo_path}/SOURCES'):
full_path = f'{local_repo_path}/SOURCES/{file.name}'
magic = fileutil.get_magic_file(full_path)
if magic.encoding == 'binary':
source_dict[f'SOURCES/{file.name}'] = fileutil.get_checksum(full_path)
return source_dict
def get_srpm_metadata(srpm_path, verify=False):
Gets the rpm metadata
hdr = rpmutil.get_rpm_header(file_name=srpm_path,
metadata = rpmutil.get_rpm_metadata_from_hdr(hdr)
return metadata
def import_lookaside(repo_path: str, repo_name: str, branch: str, file_dict: dict):
Attempts to move the lookaside files if they don't exist to their
hashed name.
dest_dir = f'/var/www/html/sources/{repo_name}/{branch}'
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
os.makedirs(dest_dir, 0o755)
for name, sha in file_dict.items():
source_path = f'{repo_path}/{name}'
dest_path = f'{dest_dir}/{sha}'
if os.path.exists(dest_path):
print(f'{dest_path} already exists, skipping')
shutil.move(src=source_path, dst=dest_path)
if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/restorecon'):
processor.run_proc_foreground_shell('/usr/sbin/restorecon {dest_path}')
class SrpmImport(Import):
Import class for importing rpms to a git service
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
git_url_path: str,
srpm_path: str,
release: str = '',
branch: str = '',
git_user: str = 'git',
org: str = 'rpms',
verify_signature: bool = False
Init the class.
Set the org to something else if needed. Note that if you are using
subgroups, do not start with a leading slash (e.g. some_group/rpms)
self.__srpm_path = srpm_path
self.__srpm_hash = fileutil.get_checksum(srpm_path)
self.__srpm_metadata = self.get_srpm_metadata(srpm_path,
self.__release = release
pkg_name = self.__srpm_metadata['name']
git_url = f'ssh://{git_user}@{git_url_path}/{org}/{pkg_name}.git'
self.__git_url = git_url
if len(release) == 0:
self.__release = self.__get_srpm_release_version
if not self.__release:
raise err.RpmInfoError('The dist tag does not contain elX or elXY')
self.__branch = branch
if len(branch) == 0:
self.__branch = f'c{release}'
print(f'Warning: Branch name not specified, defaulting to {self.__branch}')
def __get_srpm_release_version(self):
Gets the release version from the srpm
regex = r'.el(\d+)'
dist_tag = self.__srpm_metadata['release']
regex_search = re.search(regex, dist_tag)
if regex_search:
return regex_search.group(1)
return None
def pkg_import(self):
Actually perform the import
check_repo = gitutil.lsremote(self.git_url)
git_repo_path = f'/var/tmp/{self.rpm_name}'
branch = self.__branch
repo_tags = []
# If we return None, we need to assume that this is a brand new repo,
# so we will try to set it up accordingly. If we return refs, we'll see
# if the branch we want to work with exists. If it does not exist,
# we'll do a straight clone, and then create an orphan branch.
if check_repo:
# check for specific ref name
ref_check = f'refs/heads/{branch}' in check_repo
# if our check is correct, clone it. if not, clone normally and
# orphan.
print(f'Cloning: {self.rpm_name}')
if ref_check:
repo = gitutil.clone(
repo = gitutil.clone(
gitutil.checkout(repo, branch=self.__branch, orphan=True)
# Remove everything, plain and simple. Only needed for clone.
for tag_name in repo.tags:
print('Repo may not exist or is private. Try to import anyway.')
repo = gitutil.init(
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
import_tag = generic.safe_encoding(f'imports/{branch}/{self.rpm_name}-{self.rpm_version}-{self.rpm_release}')
commit_msg = f'import {self.rpm_name}-{self.rpm_version}-{self.rpm_release}'
# Raise an error if the tag already exists. Force the importer to tag
# manually.
if import_tag in repo_tags:
raise err.GitCommitError(f'Git tag already exists: {import_tag}')
self.unpack_srpm(self.srpm_path, git_repo_path)
sources = self.get_dict_of_lookaside_files(git_repo_path)
self.generate_metadata(git_repo_path, self.rpm_name, sources)
self.generate_filesum(git_repo_path, self.rpm_name, self.srpm_hash)
self.import_lookaside(git_repo_path, self.rpm_name, branch, sources)
verify = repo.is_dirty()
if verify:
gitutil.commit(repo, commit_msg)
ref = gitutil.tag(repo, import_tag, commit_msg)
gitutil.push(repo, ref=ref)
return True
# The most recent commit is assumed to be tagged also. We will not
# push. Force the importer to tag manually.
print('Nothing to push')
return False
def git_url(self):
Returns git_url
return self.__git_url
def srpm_path(self):
Returns srpm_path
return self.__srpm_path
def srpm_hash(self):
Returns the sha256sum of an unpacked srpm
return self.__srpm_hash
def rpm_name(self):
Returns name of srpm
return self.__srpm_metadata['name']
def rpm_version(self):
Returns version of srpm
return self.__srpm_metadata['version']
def rpm_release(self):
Returns release of srpm
return self.__srpm_metadata['release']
def part_of_module(self):
Returns if part of module
regex = r'.+\.module\+'
dist_tag = self.__srpm_metadata['release']
regex_search = re.search(regex, dist_tag)
if regex_search:
return True
return False
def rpm_name_replace(self):
Returns a "fixed" version of the RPM name
new_name = self.__srpm_metadata['name'].replace('+', 'plus')
return new_name