2024-07-10 21:56:03 -07:00

15 KiB

=== "Rocky Linux 8"

| Package Name          | Change Type     | Comment                                             |
| shim-unsigned-x64     | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                         |
| shim-unsigned-aarch64 | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                         |
| shim                  | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                         |
| fwupd                 | Patch           | Secure Boot                                         |
| grub2                 | Patch           | Secure Boot                                         |
| kernel                | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot                                         |
| kernel-rt             | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot                                         |
| rocky-release         | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux to be itself               |
| rocky-logos           | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux assets                     |
| rocky-indexhtml       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default index              |
| rocky-bookmarks       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default browser bookmarks  |
| abrt                  | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| anaconda              | Patch, Branding | Turn off Red Hat specific options                   |
| anaconda-user-help    | Patch, Branding | Ensure documenation references Rocky Linux          |
| cockpit-composer      | Patch, Branding | Replace RHEL with Enterprise Linux                  |
| cloud-init            | Patch           | Ensure the managed user is cloud-user like upstream |
| crash                 | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky                          |
| dhcp                  | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                              |
| dnf                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                              |
| dotnet                | Branding        | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| dotnet3.0             | Branding        | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| firefox               | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings  |
| gcc                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                              |
| gdb                   | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                    |
| gnome-boxes           | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| gnome-settings-daemon | Patch           | Remove subscription manager patch                   |
| initial-setup         | Branding        | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                    |
| java-1.8.0-openjdk*   | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases      |
| java-11-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases      |
| java-17-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases      |
| java-21-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases      |
| libdnf                | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                              |
| libguestfs            | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| libreoffice           | Branding        | Remove Red Hat branding to generic branding         |
| libreport             | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Bug Tracker (mantis) is supported      |
| lorax-templates-rocky | Self-managed    | Replacement for lorax-templates-rhel                |
| nginx                 | Branding        | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                    |
| openscap              | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative     |
| osbuild               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                     |
| osbuild-composer      | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                     |
| oscap-anaconda-addon  | Branding        | Replace "Red Hat" with "Rocky"                      |
| PackageKit            | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux wiki            |
| pcs                   | Branding        | Replace "Red Hat" logo                              |
| plymouth              | Branding        | Replace "Red Hat Enterprise Linux"                  |
| python2               | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| python3               | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| python-pip            | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| redhat-rpm-config     | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                   |
| scap-security-guide   | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative     |
| subscription-manager* | Patch           | Remove Red Hat references                           |
| systemd               | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux                 |
| thunderbird           | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings  |
| toolbox               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux image is the default             |
| WALinuxAgent          | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                     |

=== "Rocky Linux 9"

| Package Name          | Change Type     | Comment                                                 |
| shim-unsigned-x64     | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                             |
| shim-unsigned-aarch64 | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                             |
| shim                  | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                             |
| fwupd                 | Patch           | Secure Boot                                             |
| grub2                 | Patch           | Secure Boot                                             |
| kernel                | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot                                             |
| kernel-rt             | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot                                             |
| rocky-release         | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux to be itself                   |
| rocky-logos           | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux assets                         |
| rocky-indexhtml       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default index                  |
| rocky-bookmarks       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default browser bookmarks      |
| anaconda              | Patch, Branding | Turn off Red Hat specific options                       |
| anaconda-user-help    | Patch, Branding | Ensure documenation references Rocky Linux              |
| cloud-init            | Patch           | Ensure the managed user is cloud-user like upstream     |
| cockpit-composer      | Branding        | Replace RHEL with Enterprise Linux                      |
| crash                 | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky                              |
| dhcp                  | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                  |
| dnf                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                  |
| firefox               | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings      |
| gcc                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                  |
| gdb                   | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                        |
| gnome-settings-daemon | Patch           | Remove subscription manager patch                       |
| initial-setup         | Branding        | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                        |
| java-1.8.0-openjdk*   | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases          |
| java-11-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases          |
| java-17-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases          |
| java-21-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases          |
| libdnf                | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                  |
| libreoffice           | Branding        | Remove Red Hat branding to generic branding             |
| libreport             | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Bug Tracker (mantis) is supported          |
| lorax-templates-rocky | Self-managed    | Replacement for lorax-templates-rhel                    |
| nginx                 | Branding        | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                        |
| openldap              | Patch           | Ensure openldap-servers is available in plus repo       |
| openscap              | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative         |
| osbuild               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                         |
| osbuild-composer      | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                         |
| PackageKit            | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux wiki                |
| python-pip            | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                       |
| redhat-rpm-config     | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                       |
| rust                  | Patch           | Ensure that aarch64 and s390x can build rust (OOM)      |
| scap-security-guide   | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative         |
| subscription-manager* | Patch           | Remove Red Hat references                               |
| systemd               | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux                     |
| thunderbird           | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings      |
| toolbox               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux image is the default                 |
| WALinuxAgent          | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                         |

=== "Rocky Linux 10"

| Package Name          | Change Type     | Comment                                                     |
| shim-unsigned-x64     | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                                 |
| shim-unsigned-aarch64 | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                                 |
| shim                  | Self-managed    | Secure Boot                                                 |
| fwupd-efi             | Patch           | Secure Boot                                                 |
| grub2                 | Patch           | Secure Boot                                                 |
| kernel                | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot and Branding                                    |
| kernel-rt             | Patch, Branding | Secure Boot and Branding                                    |
| rocky-release         | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux to be itself                       |
| rocky-logos           | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux assets                             |
| rocky-indexhtml       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default index                      |
| rocky-bookmarks       | Self-managed    | Required for Rocky Linux default browser bookmarks          |
| anaconda              | Patch, Branding | Turn off Red Hat specific options                           |
| anaconda-user-help    | Patch, Branding | Ensure documenation references Rocky Linux                  |
| cloud-init            | Patch           | Ensure the managed user is cloud-user like upstream         |
| cockpit-composer      | Branding        | Replace RHEL with Enterprise Linux                          |
| crash                 | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky                                  |
| dnf                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                      |
| firefox               | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings          |
| gcc                   | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                      |
| gdb                   | Patch           | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                            |
| java-17-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases              |
| java-21-openjdk*      | Patch           | Ensure portables are buildable on all releases              |
| libdnf                | Patch           | Change bug tracker URL                                      |
| lorax-templates-rocky | Self-managed    | Replacement for lorax-templates-rhel                        |
| nginx                 | Branding        | Replace Red Hat with Rocky Linux                            |
| openldap              | Patch           | Ensure openldap-servers is built and available in plus repo |
| openscap              | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative             |
| osbuild               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                             |
| osbuild-composer      | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported                             |
| PackageKit            | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux wiki                    |
| redhat-rpm-config     | Patch           | Add Rocky Support                                           |
| rust                  | Patch           | Ensure that aarch64 and s390x can build rust (OOM)          |
| scap-security-guide   | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux is supported as a derivative             |
| subscription-manager* | Patch           | Remove Red Hat references                                   |
| systemd               | Patch           | Change support URL's to Rocky Linux                         |
| thunderbird           | Patch           | Replace Red Hat settings with Rocky Linux settings          |
| toolbox               | Patch           | Ensure Rocky Linux image is the default                     |