Various RHEL fixes

Various fixes to allow RHEL conversions to work:
- adding additional commands to bin_check
- Fixed awk command to parse out the gpgkey for a repo.
- provides_pkg() which returns a package name for a given provides.
- allow additional packages to be removed without replacing them with rocky
- Don't bother checkign the exit status of dnf shell, it doesn't return a valid
  fail status anyways.
- Instead check to make sure that the appropriate packages have been removed and
  installed.  If not attempt to fix with rpm.
This commit is contained in:
Peter Ajamian 2021-05-14 02:26:20 +12:00
parent 49fa13494e
commit 1c25367f8b

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ blue=$(tput setaf 4)
nocolor=$(tput op)
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
shopt -s nullglob
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ bin_check() {
local -a missing
for bin in rpm dnf awk column tee tput mkdir cat arch; do
for bin in rpm dnf awk column tee tput mkdir cat arch sort uniq rmdir rm; do
if ! type "$bin" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
@ -134,15 +135,32 @@ repoinfo () {
# dnf repoinfo doesn't return the gpgkey, but we need that so we have to get
# it from the repo file itself.
# "end_of_file" is a hack here. Since it is not a valid dnf setting we know
# it won't appear in a .repo file on a line by itself, so it's safe to
# search for the string to make the awk parser look all the way to the end
# of the file.
awk '
$1=="['"${repoinfo_results[Repo-id]}"']" {next}
{if (/^\[.*\]$/) {nextfile}
else if (sub(/^gpgkey=file:\/\//,"")) print
}' < "${repoinfo_results[Repo-filename]}"
$0=="['"${repoinfo_results[Repo-id]}"']",$0=="end_of_file" {
if (l++ < 1) {next}
else if (/^\[.*\]$/) {nextfile}
else if (sub(/^gpgkey\s*=\s*file:\/\//,"")) {print; nextfile}
else {next}
' < "${repoinfo_results[Repo-filename]}"
provides_pkg () (
set -o pipefail
provides=$(dnf -q provides "$1" | awk '{print $1; nextfile}') ||
return 1
set +o pipefail
pkg=$(dnf -q repoquery --queryformat '%{NAME}' "$provides") ||
exit_message "Can't get package name for $provides."
printf '%s\n' "$pkg"
collect_system_info () {
# We need to map rockylinux repository names to the equivalent repositories
# in the source distro. To do that we look for known packages in each
@ -185,6 +203,7 @@ collect_system_info () {
# First get info for the baseos repo
repoinfo "${repo_map[baseos]}"
declare -g -A pkg_map provides_pkg_map
declare -g -a addl_provide_removes addl_pkg_removes
@ -193,17 +212,21 @@ collect_system_info () {
for pkg in "${!provides_pkg_map[@]}"; do
printf '.'
local provides
set -o pipefail
provides=$(dnf -q provides "$prov" | awk '{print $1; nextfile}') ||
pkg_map[$pkg]=$(provides_pkg $prov) ||
exit_message "Can't get package that provides $prov."
set +o pipefail
pkg_map[$pkg]=$(dnf -q repoquery --queryformat '%{NAME}' "$provides") ||
exit_message "Can't get package name for $provides."
for prov in "${addl_provide_removes[@]}"; do
printf '.'
local pkg;
pkg=$(provides_pkg $prov) || continue
printf '%s\n' '' '' "Found the following system packages which map from $PRETTY_NAME to Rocky Linux 8:"
@ -230,6 +253,11 @@ collect_system_info () {
if (( ${#addl_pkg_removes[@]} )); then
printf '%s\n' '' "In addition to the above the following system packages will be removed:" \
# Release packages that are part of SIG's should be listed below when they
# are available.
# UPDATE: We may or may not do something with SIG's here, it could just be
@ -278,16 +306,83 @@ generate_rpm_info() {
package_swaps() {
set -x
# Use dnf shell to swap the system packages out.
if dnf -y shell --nogpg --disablerepo=\* \
dnf -y shell --nogpg --disablerepo=\* --noautoremove \
--setopt=protected_packages= --setopt=keepcache=True \
"${repo_urls[@]/#/--repofrompath=}" <<EOF
remove ${installed_pkg_map[@]}
remove ${installed_pkg_map[@]} ${addl_pkg_removes[@]}
install ${!installed_pkg_map[@]}
then :
else return
# We need to check to make sure that all of the original system packages
# have been removed and all of the new ones have been added. If a package
# was supposed to be removed and one with the same name added back then
# we're kind of screwed for this check, as we can't be certain, but all the
# packages we're adding start with "rocky-*" so this really shouldn't happen
# and we can safely not check for it. The worst that will happen is a rocky
# linux package will be removed and then installed again.
local -a check_removed check_installed
readarray -t check_removed < <(
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' "${installed_pkg_map[@]}" \
"${addl_pkg_removes[@]}" | sort -u
if (( ${#check_removed[@]} )); then
printf '%s\n' '' "${blue}Packages found on system that should still be removed. Forcibly removing them with rpm:$nocolor"
# Removed packages still found on the system. Forcibly remove them.
for pkg in "${check_removed[@]}"; do
printf '%s\n' "$pkg"
rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps "${check_removed[@]}" ||
rpm -e --allmatches --nodeps --noscripts --notriggers "$pkg"
# Check to make sure we installed everything we were supposed to.
readarray -t check_installed < <(
printf '%s\n' "${!installed_pkg_map[@]}" | sort -u
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' "${!installed_pkg_map[@]}" | sort -u
} | sort | uniq -u
if (( ${#check_installed[@]} )); then
printf '%s\n' '' "${blue}Some required packages were not installed by dnf. Attempting to force with rpm:$nocolor"
# Get a list of rpm packages to package names
local -A rpm_map
local -a file_list
for rpm in /var/cache/dnf/{rockybaseos,rockyappstream}-*/packages/*.rpm
rpm_map[$(rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}\n' --nodigest "$rpm")]=$rpm
# Attempt to install.
for pkg in "${check_installed[@]}"; do
printf '%s\n' "$pkg"
if ! rpm -i --force --nodeps --nodigest "${rpm_map[$pkg]}"; then
# Try to install the package in just the db, then clean it up.
rpm -i --force --justdb --nodeps --nodigest "${rpm_map[$pkg]}"
# Get list of files that are still causing problems and donk
# them.
readarray -t file_list < <(
rpm -V "$pkg" | awk '$1!="missing" {print $2}'
for file in "${file_list[@]}"; do
rmdir "$file" ||
rm -f "$file" ||
rm -rf "$file"
# Now try re-installing the package to replace the missing
# files. Regardless of the outcome here we just accept it and
# move on and hope for the best.
rpm -i --reinstall --force --nodeps --nodigest \
# Distrosync