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# Contribution Guide
Rocky SIG/AI is an open community to discuss AI on Rocky Linux. To join, please get in contact with us through the following:
- Create an account at [Rocky Linux Mattermost]({target=_blank}.
- Create an account at [Rocky Linux Forums]({target=_blank}
- Find SIG/AI in channels list and introduce yourself.
- Check the SIG/AI task boards for the tasks you can keep hands on. Don't worry if it's too simple. we encourage you to try from any step you are comfortable.
- Reach out to SIG/AI channel and post your findings, difficulties, help needed, etc.
- For any urgent or cold case requests ping channel admins.
## SIG/AI Resources
* []({target=_blank} contains the source file of very webpage that you are seeing.
* []({target=_blank} repo addresses/handles the issues related to SIG/AI access/administration/accounts.