
4.7 KiB

Empanadas Configuration

The configuration contains dictionaries and classes that dictate most of the functionality of empanadas.

Config Items

type: Dictionary


type: String

required: True

description: Empanadas expects to run on an EL system. This is part of the general check up. It should not be hardcoded and use the rpm python module.


type: String

required: False

description: Was the original tag placed in mock configs. This combines el with the rpm python module expansion. This is no longer required. The option is still available for future use.


type: String

required: True

description: The architecture of the current running system. This is checked against the supported architectures in general release configurations. This should not be hardcoded.


type: String

required: True

description: Date time stamp in the form of YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS. This should not be hardcoded.


type: String

required: True

description: Root path of composes on the system running empanadas.


type: String

required: False

description: For future use. Root path of staging repository location where content will be synced to.


type: String

required: False

description: For future use. Root path of production repository location where content will be synced to from staging.


type: String

required: True

description: For future use. Stub path that is appended to staging_root and production_root.

example: mirror/pub/rocky


type: String

required: True

description: For future use. Stub path that is appended to staging_root and production_root for SIG content.

example: mirror/pub/sig


type: String

required: True

description: URL to the base url's where the repositories live. This is typically to a peridot instance. This is supplemented by the configuration project_id parameter.

Note that this does not have to be a peridot instance. The combination of this value and project_id can be sufficient enough for empanadas to perform its work.


type: String

required: True

description: Hardcoded path to where ISO work is performed within a mock chroot. This is the default path created by mock and it is recommended not to change this.

example: /builddir


type: String

required: True

description: This is the container used to perform all operations in podman.

example: centos:stream9


type: String

required: True

description: Name of the distribution you are building or building for.

example: Rocky Linux


type: String

required: True

description: Short name of the distribution you are building or building for.

example: Rocky


type: Dictionary

required: True

description: Translates Linux architectures to golang architectures. Reserved for future use.


type: String

required: False

description: Region you are working in with AWS or onprem cloud that supports this variable.

example: us-east-2


type: String

required: False

description: Name of the S3-compatible bucket that is used to pull images from. Requires aws_region.


type: String

required: False

description: URL of the S3-compatible bucket that is used to pull images from.

allowed_type_variants items

type: Dictionary

description: Key value pairs of cloud or image variants. The value is either None or a list type.

Reference Example

config = {
    "rlmacro": rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'),
    "dist": 'el' + rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'),
    "arch": platform.machine(),
    "date_stamp": time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime()),
    "compose_root": "/mnt/compose",
    "staging_root": "/mnt/repos-staging",
    "production_root": "/mnt/repos-production",
    "category_stub": "mirror/pub/rocky",
    "sig_category_stub": "mirror/pub/sig",
    "repo_base_url": "",
    "mock_work_root": "/builddir",
    "container": "centos:stream9",
    "distname": "Rocky Linux",
    "shortname": "Rocky",
    "translators": {
        "x86_64": "amd64",
        "aarch64": "arm64",
        "ppc64le": "ppc64le",
        "s390x": "s390x",
        "i686": "386"
    "aws_region": "us-east-2",
    "bucket": "resf-empanadas",
    "bucket_url": ""

        "Azure": None,
        "Container": ["Base", "Minimal", "UBI"],
        "EC2": None,
        "GenericCloud": None,
        "Vagrant": ["Libvirt", "Vbox"],
        "OCP": None
