2023-06-19 11:07:22 +01:00

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SIG/HPC meeting 2023-06-01


* Jeremy Siadal
* Sherif
* Gregory Kurtzer
* David DeBonis
* Chris Simmons


Getting toolchains outside of openHPC such as automake

Greg: We need to talk if we need to have a generic SIG for toolchains

Greg: We need to look into adding more release packages such as intel compiler

Brain storm ideas about optimizing binaries

David: What would be the interest of having a light weight kernel for HPC

Jeremy: mentioning intel light weight kernel

Chris: asking if there is any benchmark, hard numbers between shipped kernel and light weight kernel, so far, nothing solid

Sherif: Slurm now is build but not in standard path and we agreed we are going to move standard path

Greg: make sure you have the provide type

Chris: also make sure that downgrade works

Greg and Chris, we can also contribute to openHPC documentation

Action items:

* Get a list of packages from Jeremy to pick up from openHPC
* Greg / Sherif talk in Rocky / RESF about generic SIG for common packages such as chaintools
* Plan the openHPC demo Chris / Sherif
* Finlise the slurm package with naming / configuration

Old business:


* Get a demo / technical talk after 4 weeks "Sherif can arrange that with Chris"
* Getting a list of packages that openHPC would like to move to distros "Jeremy will be point of contact if we need those in couple of weeks"


* Start building slurm - On going , a bit slowing down with R9.2 and R8.8 releases, however packages are built, some minor configurations needs to be fixed -
* Start building apptainer - on hold -
* Start building singulartiry - on hold -
* Start building warewulf - on hold -
* Sherif: check about forums - done, we can have our own section if we want, can be discussed over the chat -


* Reach out to other communities “Greg” - on going -
* Reaching out for different sites that uses Rocky for HPC “Stack will ping few of them and others as well -Group effort-”
* Reaching out to hardware vendors - nothing done yet -
* Statistic / public registry for sites / HPC to add themselves if they want - nothing done yet -