2023-06-19 11:07:59 +01:00

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# SIG/HPC meeting 2023-06-15
## Attendees:
* Chris Simmons
* Nick Eggleston
* Forrest Burt
* Stack
* David DeBonis
* Jeremy Siadal
* Greg Kurtzer
* Sherif
## Discussions:
Chris gave a quick demo about openHPC / presentation
Jeremy sent the packages
Greg: asked how the SIG's slurm is compatible with openHPC
Sherif needs to look at openHPC slurm packages
Chris we need to look on how to build easybuild and look into how to improve it
Chris and Greg talking about if there is any standard that explains how to build systems compatible with each others, openHPC does follow best practices from different entities
Chris provided which now a part of openHPC
Sherif mentioned, forums category is now in place
## Action items:
* Sherif to look int openHPC slurm spec file
* We need to get lists of centres and HPC that are moving to Rocky to make a blog post and PR
## Old business:
## 2023-06-01:
* Get a list of packages from Jeremy to pick up from openHPC - Done
* Greg / Sherif talk in Rocky / RESF about generic SIG for common packages such as chaintools
* Plan the openHPC demo Chris / Sherif - Done
* Finlise the slurm package with naming / configuration - Done
## 2023-05-18:
* Get a demo / technical talk after 4 weeks "Sherif can arrange that with Chris" - Done
* Getting a list of packages that openHPC would like to move to distros "Jeremy will be point of contact if we need those in couple of weeks" - Done
## 2023-05-04
* Start building slurm - On going, a bit slowing down with R9.2 and R8.8 releases, however packages are built, some minor configurations needs to be fixed -
* Start building apptainer - on hold -
* Start building singulartiry - on hold -
* Start building warewulf - on hold -
* Sherif: check about forums - done, we can have our own section if we want, can be discussed over the chat -
## 2023-04-20
* Reach out to other communities “Greg” - on going -
* Reaching out for different sites that uses Rocky for HPC “Stack will ping few of them and others as well -Group effort-”
* Reaching out to hardware vendors - nothing done yet -
* Statistic / public registry for sites / HPC to add themselves if they want - nothing done yet -