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title author revision_date rc
QA:Testcase SELinux Errors on Desktop clients Lukas Magauer 2022-05-31
prod ver level
Rocky Linux

!!! info "Release relevance" This Testcase applies the following versions of {{ rc.prod }}: {% for version in rc.ver %}{{ version }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}

!!! info "Associated release criterion" This test case is associated with the Release_Criteria#selinux-and-crash-notifications-desktop-only release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion.


Basically running a Workstation or Graphical Server install for a longer amount of time, while using it and then checking if there were any SELinux audit messages.


Obtain access to a suitable system with either a Workstation or a Graphical Server installation.

How to test

  1. Setup new machine or get access to a installed machine
  2. Click through the system and various applications, to mimic user behavior
  3. Leave the system running for a few more minutes, if possible hours

Expected Results

  1. Open the SETroubleshoot Application and invoke the error summarization.
  2. There must not be shown any errors / denials

{% include 'testing/qa_testcase_bottom.md' %}