Mario Codeniera f252c67477 fedora36 to rocky 9
Signed-off-by: Mario Codeniera <>
2023-06-20 23:12:21 +12:00

754 B

Rocky Tools

Various scripts and tools that we find useful, whether we use them or they are made for public consumption.

getsrc -- Git resource grabber

An automatic lookaside grabber supporting all flavors of: Fedora, Rocky Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream.

migrate2rocky -- Conversion Script

Running this script will convert an existing CentOS 8 system to Rocky Linux 8.

mirrorsync -- Mirror Script and Configurations

Example script and configuration notes for keeping a public or private mirror in sync.

fedora2rocky9 -- Conversion Script

Running this script will convert an existing Fedora 3x (36, tested) system to Rocky Linux 9. (based on migrate2rocky9)